Thursday, September 28, 2006

Quick Stats

From the State's Attorney's office: 45,947 cases have been brought so far in '06 (that means about 7 percent of the city's population has been arrested so far this year! ... or 459 people were arrested 100 times). Of these, 11,103 cases the state declined to prosecute (24 percent).


  1. Cybes,
    Please delete the sketch associated with the Rogers Forge rape. The 14 year-old has recanted her tale.

  2. Also, I don't think we took note of the stabbing death of a 47 year-old man on the 1700 block, East 30th Street, by City College. It happened early on the morning of the 28th. Sad. We in the community have been focusing on that street and its hot corners.

  3. Wow, I thought the whole Rogers Forge rape was "sketchy" but didn't want to be the one to say so.

  4. I wish that girl was my little sister... I'd beat some sense into her
