Saturday, September 16, 2006

September 16

The public defender's office, which was suing the Maryland Division of Pretrial Detention and Services over delays at the Central Booking and Intake Center, has requested that the suit be dropped. Stat: more than 100,000 people are arrested in Baltimore each year. Baltimore City's population is about 635,000.

calvin-jonesJesus. Yvonne Whitaker was slammed into a toilet with so much force the toilet broke. The assailant was one Calvin Louis Jones, left, 46, of Marianna, Florida, whom she met online. He's on the lam, wanted for attempted murder.

A suicidal armed man surrendered peacefully in HoCo.

The Sun has more about the shooting of Antonio Gilmore at the "Better" Waverly Blockbuster®. (192-200)

Three inmates were stabbed at Jessup last night.

Glenn Curry, who appeared to be cold-clocked in the jaw while handcuffed by a police officer, has only a traffic ticket on his criminal record-- not exactly the "numerous arrests" BPD spokesman Matt Jablow claimed. Said Curry's lawyer, "If the Baltimore City police wants to look at anyone's record, they should look in the mirror." Burn!

At a hearing Friday, Judge Althea Handy sentenced Donte Knight, 22, of North Stricker Street to 50 years in prison, the first five years (!) to be served without the possibility of parole. Baltimore City jury convicted Knight August 4, 2006 of second-degree murder, use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence and other handgun counts. On May 7, 2005 Donte Knight approached the victim, Donald Woodard, 45, who was walking southbound in the 1500 block of North Calhoun St. Knight produced a .45 caliber semi automatic handgun and shot Mr. Woodard several times hitting him twice in the buttocks and once in the abdomen. Police recovered from the crime two .45 caliber shell casings, one spent bullet, various pieces of clothing from the victim, and two bullet fragments from inside of a GMC truck. Mr. Woodard told the responding officer, Officer Hayes, that a black male known as "Donte" AKA "Yamean" shot him.

Jayne McClean, 26, got 33 months for planning a fake bank robbery. And a lot of people were sentenced forconspiring to distribute heroin: George Butler, who appeared on "Stop Fucking Snitching," got 10 years.

A former Special Ed TA in Catonsville pled guilty to firearm posession with a felony conviction.

In Talbot County, Brian Dancik, convicted of beating his mother to death, was mistakenly released after serving 76 days. He was re-arrested in Caroline County.

Randy Dorsey, a deputy with the FredCo Sheriff's office was charged with arson for setting his girlfriend's SUV on fire.

imagesA Cardin staffer has been sacked after referring to "Jewish noses," allegedly referring to Oreo cookies on her blog.


  1. The Examiner article quotes councilman Harris asking for a state or federal investigation of the incident of the cop punching the man in cuffs. Usually when politicians ask for that kind of investigation, it's the headline.

  2. so it's starting to look like that area near APG is a mass grave or some shit. 3 skeletons found so far. creepy.

  3. Cybes,

    You noticed the humour in 'Better' Waverly? We snicker when we say it.

    'Worser' Waverly would be so very hard to say.

  4. why is it called that anyway? even if the houses are bigger or whatever, who the hell names a neighborhood in such a way as to denigrate another nearby neighborhood?

    i'm gonna found a town adjacent to des moines iowa and name it "fuck des moines."

  5. I believe the original intent was for the BETTERment of WAVERLY, not a comparative. But you wouldn't know it now.

  6. The funny thing is... Steele made up the Oreos story. Unbelievable that a Republican would lie.

  7. Steele didn't make up the Oreo story, but Ehrlich's people did wildly exagerate what happened. A couple of idiots were handing out Oreos at Steele's speech, but then various conservative bloggers & talk radio idiots got ahold of the story, and started making up BS about how Steele was "pelted" with cookies.

  8. Steele started to exaggerate the Oreo incident after a well known African-American blogger posted a picture of him in blackface. The blogger posted it in response to Steele's "I don't play golf" comment that he made when a reporter asked him what he thought of Bobby Haircut holding a fundraiser at an all-white country club.
