Saturday, September 2, 2006

September 2

A suspicious death on Wednesday. I'm going to add that to the eight probable homicides (see comments August 31 - I am counting Julia Boussari and Said Sawab but not hanging guy or police-involved guy), making the number at least 179, probably more like 188 and possibly higher than that.

Three men were shot to death in PG County last night.

The Sun dutifully reprints the "three-foot halogen light bulb."

O'Malley admin: Cameras on the corner = genius. Cameras in prison = shameless, transparent vote-grubbing.

"Court papers say that in 2003 and 2004, [high schoool band teacher Jeffrey Thompson and a 16-year-old student] had sexual relations in Thompson's office at the school, in his Honda, at a Laurel motel, at Thompson's home and at Patapsco Valley State Park ..."

Alexander Massari of Owings Mills pled guity to having child porn.

The guys who stole guitars and sold them on ebay were sentenced.

"Does this boat make your nipples hard?"


  1. Today's article in the Sun addresses the dramatic disparity between the application of the death penalty by State's Attorneys for Baltimore City and for Baltimore County.

    Yes, it costs money.

    Facts: committing a heinous murder is many times more likely to garner the death penalty in the County and is statistically more likely if the victims are white.

    Translation: heinous murders are more encouraged if in the City and even more so if directed at black victims.

    This is not good for the city's black community and should not be embraced by apologetic black mothers.

  2. Yes, part of the politics behind the lack of outrage and reluctance to apply the death penalty is that in the county, few citizens imagine their kin in the shoes of the murderer.

    In the City, many of these mothers are torn, because their sons might equally well be the murderer as the murdered. There but for the grace of god go mine.

    It's a matter of how close to 'street life' the average citizen's family tend to be.
