Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 26, morning

Quota? What quota ???

The Examiner interviews Police union president Blair regarding the loss of senior police staff because of unwritten arrest quotas.

Click here to see a comparison for all counties of Maryland between monthly bookings and monthly released without charge for that county's jails.


Notoriously violating people's civil rights does not constitute aggressive policing... it's just bad policing and discourages citizen cooperation. This city now has 3,241 officers, according to the public affairs office. I question the quality of that number (the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 3 lists 4,900 voting members, whatever that means.) . We need a lot more and it's just not gonna work if officers are uncomfortable with the routine practices of this administration. Guys, it's time to ditch your Police Commissioner, who has already testified that there are no quotas, so it seems to me he next needs to be indicted for perjury. Either way, he's gotta go. Furthermore, how could anyone possibly consider voting for the Mayor who spearheads the arbitrary curtailment of civil rights?

In other news:

A man was shot in Armistead Gardens this morning and rushed to shock trauma.

Regarding the Saturday night shooting of a 19 year-old male, a 79 year-old male, and an 11 year-old girl at the 2000 block, Kennedy Ave., police report no arrests and the spokesperson, Nicole Monroe, has reverted to form, drawing attention to the fact that the 19 year-old primary victim had a history of drug, assault, and weapons charges. I'm sure that's a great relief to the two injured bystanders. If he's not a very good guy, then why is he still on the streets, huh? And why would that make anyone feel safer?


  1. I didn't see mention of the Armistead Gardens shooting, what's the story there?

  2. Very little additional detail. It was not covered in the papers, because of press deadline. I got it off WBAL tv news. It happened on Armistead Way.

  3. i ride by armisteed garden on my way to work, scary scary place

  4. Hey, we elected a president who supports not just the arbitrary curtailment of civil rights, but of running a Third World Dictatorship system of secret torture prisons.

  5. oh galt, you're so sassy...
    and thorough to be taking notes during the news!

  6. I'd really like to hear from some cops on this quota thing. As I understand it, the Commish. doesn't exactly dispute having created incentives for an exogenous rise in arrests (even if sometimes only for the sake of that number). He seems to think that as long as he hasn't specified a particular figure, it doesn't give rise to a quota. So, his officers are supposed to play 'I'm thinking of a number.'

    On duty.

  7. i ride by armisteed garden on my way to work, scary scary place

    you must be joking.

  8. Hamm is always touting quality above quantity but none of his underlings pay him any mind. They tout the opposite view and they being friends of MOM do what they want.

    Anyone telling the public there is no quota is a LIAR. Please discount that person who lies to YOU thinking you are a fool. No they don't care about quality, they care about quantity. No they don't care about reductions in violent crime, they care about how many car stops and how many beer drinkers you get.

    Most officers would arrest 10 pissers over two robbers merely because they won't be yelled at for having 10 arrests ... you get yelled at for just two and NO it doesn't matter how kick ass those two arrests are either. Its all about numbers baby. Get in on it.
