Tuesday, September 5, 2006

September 5 continued

Oh, Lord, the old coot's at it again. Schaefer said Janet Owens looks like "Mother Hubbard," calls her hairdo "old-fashioned" and adds, inexplicably, "you know it sort of makes you a man." Huh?

A Baltimore City jury convicted William Langley, 48, of Parkville, Maryland of the first-degree murder of Nae Chun Pak and the use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence today. The jury deliberated for approximately seven hours yesterday and today after hearing two days of testimony this week. Judge Roger W. Brown set sentencing for September 6. Says the SA,
On October 3, 2005 in the 600 block of Cherry Hill Road Langley and Nae Chun Pak, 46, got into an altercation about a food order that Langley had placed in the victim's carry out store. Pak returned Langley's money and Langley left the store, only to return a short time later and fatally shoot Pak in the head.


  1. Just thought I'd add links for current City Journal coverage of crime spiking in

    Newark and Houston, where it is largely Katrina-related.

  2. Rational choice theory meets the systematic crime hypothesis, explosively.

    The Houston PD has around 4000 officers, down 700 from full staffing, and recognizes the need to increase to 5000 by 2008.

    To get there, they are paying $50,000 per year to start plus signing bonus.

    By contrast, Baltimore City, which has around 3,000 sworn officers, needs to attain about the same level of staffing and starts at $37,000 with a $500 bonus.

    Any wonder why we don't have any cops ??
