Thursday, September 7, 2006

September 7 Continues...

A man denied alcohol at J&H Liquors went nuts and threw a Molotov cocktail into the store.

Unlike the guys who de-Beemered Beckham in Spain (twice!), a local prospective carjacker was likely confounded by the 2006's keyless ingition system. Police are still searching for a suspect.

heroinOne-and-a-half federal years for selling 11 pounds of cocaine for Daniel Pellegrini. Twelve federal years for Michael Thomas for conspiracy to distibute heroin.

Kane: They call it the "Jessup Cut." (He is. so. down.)

Question for the ladies: what's worse, Schaefer's remarks, or how seriously Janet Owens took them? Whatever! Go Franchot!


  1. Schaefer: batshit? or trying to swing Franchot voters over to Owens so that the anti-Schaefer vote is split?
    I hate it when batshit and crafty are indistinguishable.

  2. I have nothing against crazy politicians per se, but Schaefer really has gone over the edge. Anyone hear him singing on WYPR this morning? Franchot all the way.

  3. How is it possible that he got so little time for being caught with so much. Thats some BS! sentencing is soooo not meaured
