Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 10

An unid'd man was found shot to death in a parked car in the Northwest (217).

"Flare-ups in crime have occurred across the city, but have spiked mainly in neighborhoods in the eastern, southern and northwestern parts of Baltimore ... The Eastern District has seen a 30 percent increase in homicides. The Southern District has had a 9 percent increase in shootings and a 17 percent increase in killings. The Northwestern District has had a 62 percent spike in shootings, a 12 percent increase in robberies and 24 percent in slayings."

By the way, two people were murdered six days ago (215-16). The deaths of Herbert Betz of Pasadena and Sean Dill of the Eastern are relegated to the blotter.
There's also a lot of carjacking going on.

The E covers the persistent rumors that there's a serial killer at work in the Northwest and brutal murders are going unreported.

Brandon Rusin of PGC shot and killed his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend.
Sad: Alzheimer's-stricken Nevolia Duvall is still missing.

Two students were robbed at gunpoint at TU. Yawn.

NAACP reps and a group called Justice Maryland want to meet with prison officials to talk about jailhouse violence. Meanwhile, Smoot jurors are still deliberating (as far as I know).

We could have told you that: "O'Malley has a lot of convincing to do, and within his own party."

$30k? Geez, that's like 700 bras!


  1. How can "The Examiner" claim that Thomas DiBaggio's prosecution of Ed Norris was "politically motivated"? Wasn't DiBaggio appointed as US Attorney by John Ashcroft or some other high ranking official in the Bush administration? Wasn't Norris working for Ehrlich when he was indicted? Sure, Norris worked for O'Malley too, but I wouldn't characterize a prosecution by a Republican appointed attorney against a right-of-center police chief to be "politically motivated".

  2. dibaggio had a press conference and announced that he would take down 3 high profile public officials before the end of his tenure here. he got Norris. he seemed to be a loose cannon toward the end. I think he, like most baltimore politicians, was looking out for #1.

  3. Norris claims that he was brought down because of his dispute with O'Malley. Then again Ed Norris is a tad bit full of himself.

  4. Lenny Hamm and his posse are just frickin' buffoons. But they're sooo much a danger. At least Dixon just steals and sits like a bump on a log.

    These cops on Jump Out Tuesday just come right into your world and f#@k you over.

    The worst part is, so many of the young ones right out of the academy think it's perfectly lawful.
