Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 12

An eight-year-old brought a .22 to Grove Park Elementary and discharged it accidentally. No one was hurt, TG.

In Oakland CA, possession of David Simon's "Homicide" is being used as evidence against Hans Reiser, accused of killing his wife Nina (you'd think the blood would be enough).

Interesting announcement from the Sa's office:
In a coordinated partnership, involving local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, police, prosecutors and law enforcement agents, including parole and probation agents will speak directly to offenders from the Northern Police Precinct areas regarding violent crimes TONIGHT AT 6 P.M. This call-in of offenders is an opportunity for law enforcement and the community to speak directly to known perpetrators of crime with a joint request to end the violence and seek community assistance. MEDIA ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE FACE TO FACE MEETING BUT CAMERAS ARE RESTRICTED AND MUST REMAIN OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. This iniative continues the operation safe neighborhoods launched by State's Attorney's Jessamy and the community in 2002 ... Northern Police District is located at Keswick and 34th Streets.
A Baltimore jury found Dameon Woods guilty of second-degree murder, depraved heart (?), first degree assault and second degree assault in the murder of Raymond Smoot. Judge Glynn revoked Woods' bail. James Hatcher was found not guilty on all charges. Sentencing is scheduled for December 12.

Jobrea Lodge pled guilty to attempted first degree murder today. He received 20 years and 5 years' probation. He also pled guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous and deadly weapon. For that he received 20 concurrent (aka "why bother") years. Sherray Douglas, alias Brittany Johnson, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous and deadly weapon. She received 12 years and 5 years probation. Douglas lured Detective Dontae Hemmingway to Wilgrey Court for a meeting; Hemmingway believed that he was meeting someone else. When he arrived and walked onto the porch of the address, Jobrea Lodge pulled a gun and told Detective Hemmingway to "kick it out," (whatever that means). Detective Hemmingway reached for his gun, and Lodge shot him three times. Lodge was shot once in the leg. After witnesses identified Lodge and Douglas, both were arrested and confessed.

A 14-year-old girl was stabbed with a 10-inch kitchen knife at Pimlico middle school.

Two brothers, Tavon Tyner and Dante Tyner, are being sought for murder in the death of Darrell Artis (186) on McClean Blvd.

ME Dr. David Fowler: the rumors of a NW serial killer are false. Comapre to this Examiner story from Tuesday. Did Janis even try to call the ME's office?

The Vernon Evans death-row appeal goes on.

"Ladies, ladies!" Julie B reports on the "biting exchange" at the CJCC.
Ps., looked up Leonard N. Garrett. He was due for court in HoCo on the 5th for a "marihuana" charge. In May another drug case was nolle prosequi'd. In July an assault charge was nolle prosequi'd. In April of last year his Cadillac was forfeited. In 2004 he was arrested for having a gun in his car. In December of 2001 he forfeited bond posted by the Lexington insurance group. His wife Geraldine sued him for divorce. And there were a lot of traffic violations. Not a model citizen, but not the worst-of-the-worst, either.

Rose Peterson and Skinny Suge's trials were both postponed.

Two shootings in AAC, one fatal (#7 for Annapolis), one not (even though guy was shot in the stomach and dragged by a car).

Ew. A WiCo football coach, David Lee, was arrested on child porn charges. Dude was posing as a 14-year-old boy on MySpace, which must be like for pedophiles.


  1. putting that #7 there makes it seem like it was the 7th murder in the county, when in fact it is the 7th in the city of annapolis (or at least that's what every news outlet is saying; it's actually the 6th, plus one fatal police-involved shooting, which usually doesn't count in these sorts of tallies so i don't know what the deal with that is).

    by my count, the murder count this year of anne arundel (not including annapolis, or maryland house of corrections which itself has had 4) is 12.

  2. One of the COs in the Smoot case was found guilty of second degree murder, a second one got off.

  3. Baghdad, Iraq is a city that is home to roughly 6 million people. According to the most recent statistics there are roughly an average of 80 killings per day for the Calendar Year 05 -- or 29,200 deaths. As of the 2005 Census, Baltimore had roughly 650,000 residents with .73 killings per day or 269 killings. This the murder rate for Baltimore is .0004% of the total population whereas Baghdad is only ten times higher than Baltimore at .004% of the total population. Given Baltimore is an American city where "law and order" is supposed to be paramount why is the killing rate a mere 10 times that of Baghdad, the most deadly place on earth? If you compare Anne Arundel County to Baghdad, Baghdad is 400 times more deadly. Says something about the condition of the city.

  4. This iniative continues the operation safe neighborhoods launched by State's Attorney's Jessamy and the community in 2002 ... Northern Police District is located at Keswick and 34th Streets.

    boy, it says alot about the state's attorney's office that they don't even know where the police stations are (even when they schedule events at them). that shit hasn't been a police station for at least six years (as long as i've lived in baltimore).

  5. It's 2201 W. Coldspring Lane.

    I WISH it were still at 34th & Keswick, down closer to where the actual, uh,... CRIME takes place!

    And, yeah, let's run O'Malley for Mayor,..... of BAGHDAD.

  6. This evening an officer trapped a suspected dealer in an alley behind the 2600 block, Oswego Ave. in Northwest. He attacked the officer and sustained a gunshot wound. He is now in custody and received medical attention for a noncritical injury.

  7. HA! I just noticed that! Maybe they're having some "scared straight" intervention in the gutted-out building? I'll bet it's spooky in there ...

  8. John Galt said...

    It's 2201 W. Coldspring Lane.

    I WISH it were still at 34th & Keswick, down closer to where the actual, uh,... CRIME takes place!

    well, to be fair, that is pretty close to the small sliver of pimlico/greenspring/park heights that's in northern, which is pretty crime-infested, but yeah, it should probably be more towards the center of the area it's supposed to cover.

    also, i think it's probably pretty nice in the old one by now, seeing as how they've been renovating it for so long. there's been a "for lease" sign out front of it for an awful long time too. it'll probably end up as condos or something.

  9. It's going to be businesses, some of the places on the Avenue were going to reclocate there at first (like my beloved Mamie's) but exorbitant rents have priced out most of the locals. I'll be interested to see what biz. that could afford to rent there would want to!
    Condos would be cool, it's a neat building, great location, especially after they fix the sewers so the Stoney Run doesn't kick up such a stench.

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