Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24

John Long, 26, got 160 months in prison for drugs-n-guns. Large guns.... "including a Norico SKS 7.62 caliber rifle; a Glock 20, 10mm pistol; a Glock Mossberg 500a, .12 gauge shotgun; a Glock 23, .40 caliber pistol; a Glock 27, .40 caliber pistol; and a Intratec 9mm pistol; with ammunition. In mid-April, 2004, Long and others moved the firearms from 7 South Broadway to 270 S. Highland Avenue, Baltimore. On May 4, 2004, law enforcement officials recovered the firearms with ammunition. Long acknowledged that the firearms were carried for protection and in furtherance of the drug conspiracy."

Sad: Parents of murdered Kevin Shields are being kept from their grandchild by his FB mom, Stephanie Madariaga, an accessory to Shields' murder.

A man in his 20's was shot in the parking lot of Eastpoint mall in Essex.

Gunshot sensors are what we need for Christmas!!

It's a supermarket (robbery) sweep in the County.

Gary Chamberlin, a convicted pedophile in Finksburg, wants a new trial after the presumed victim confessed that a friend told her to make up the story.

A Republican Deener Delegate is accused of cheating a woman out of her house.

If they were from Frederick County, Doug Gansler would call them FrednecksHA!! State's Attorney presumptive Doug Gansler is accused of calling Frederick Co. "FREDNECK" County!
"Mr. Gansler laid blame on the Post reporter, Philip Rucker, calling his story a 'lazy, strange article.'"
(right: Frednecks found on the Internets)


  1. haha i grew up in frederick and i still say "fredneck" sometimes.

  2. Shit, he's got my vote.

    Now if we can just hear his opinion on whether or not Hagersbush has a problem with meth...

  3. God almighty, I just heard that f*in' O'Moron on Kojo. Every time he's asked what he'll do as Governor, it seems to come down to 'getting more money from somewhere above'.

    His shortcomings in Balto. are because he got insufficient grants from the State, he says. His plans for the State are clearly contingent upon a windfall from the Federal government. Bullcrap.

    As for the ready supply of violent criminals on our streets, he says that Maryland Parole & Probation has failed to get them off our streets. That's the job of YOUR police department, buddy. Your failure in your lousy city.
    I wonder what he's gonna say when he controls Parole & Probation? Oh, it's George Bush's fault ??

    Then he talks about the loss of family legacy when a crime-infested neighborhood forces middle-income homeowners to flee their homes and lose their investment. He talks about how he has increased housing prices. Then he says he wants to steal the housing by 'taking' it as he did in E. Baltimore for Hopkins and that 'someone' should make affordable worker housing available because it's so expensive. But didn't you just claim that that's your fault ??? That's what it means to celebrate an increase in property values, you idiot.

    Talk about two Ehrlichs! O'M speaks out of so many side of his mouth he must sprain his tongue black and blue.
