Tuesday, October 3, 2006

October 3 Evening

From the US Attorney's office, more details on the Tamil Tiger indictments, plus Daniel Trader, 57, and a prison guard at the Eastern Correctional Institute was indicted for having lewd chats with someone who he thought was a 15-year-old girl (but was really an Illlinois officer).

Alphonso Scott, 18, under house arrest, drove drunk in Severn, wrecked car.

Pollice arrested DeJuan Laron Hunter for leaving his semi-automatic at BWI.

A man of Iranian heritage was arrested for taking picture of the MD state house. Turns out he was working for a magazine.

History corner: how Glendening became governor.


  1. Now, there they go again, these Baltimore City people leaving semiautomatic pistols all over the place.

    Y'know, if we're gonna have an ordinance against leaving oversized campaign signs around and against using styro containers for fast food, I'd really like an ordinance against littering an NTSB-secure facility with .25 cal Ravens. It's so unsightly.

  2. FYI the double shooting was on the 1700 block, N. Castle Street. Two males were struck and taken to shock trauma, one critical.

    Also, this evening in Cherry Hill a triple shooting. I got the sense it was on a 600 block, somewheres.

  3. I get the sense that the triple was by the Cherry Hill Shopping Center on the 600 block, Cherry Hill Rd.

    Note: this appears to be distinct from another double reported last night at the 3000 block, Janice Ave., not very far away.

    Tough night in Southie. Say, didn't NO'Malley say Charm City was a whole lot safer ???? ????
