Monday, October 23, 2006

That Stupid Debate!

Homework for this week: Go back and watch the debate!

It opens with Ehrlich tenting his fingers and O'Malley squinting and smirking ...
O'M: "I'm here to report some good news... there's far more that unites us than divides us. We are united in our belief in the dignity of the individual ... we are still the people Frederick Douglass loved."
Gag! .... and speaking of Frederick Douglass, a week later a kid was shot at Frederick Douglass High!

Then O'Malley goes on the negative...
O'M: ".... belittle, run down the progress neighbors are making with their police ... belttling the capacity of our kids to achieve. Do me a favor and ask yourself, what is this doing to bring Maryland together? ... we can do better."

well, since you mentioned it homeboy ... what are you doing in our city?
(neighbors and THEIR police?!)

Then we get into education, turning over schools to corporations: ahem... during O'Malley, $48 million school money went missing!
Ehrlich: "It's unacceptable, it is your record, you can't be afraid to quantify, you can't be afraid to measure."

O'M: We have three whole good public schools in the city (City, Poly, School for the Arts), 60 percent of kids are passing. (Don't remind me, okay?) "Denise, we're not dumb."

Then O'M gets negative. It's "the Two Bob Ehrlichs" (Sideshow Bob?), cutting school construction and teacher pensions. He talks about "getting our children out of trailers."

teachers love the trailers! There's lots of room, no hall noise, air conditioning, lights that work ... anyway... then O' goes on about higher ed....

Ehrlich gets his dander up: "Mayor, here's my problem with you..."Frederick Douglass... 40 percent passing in government... you can't expect people to accept the status quo in Baltimore City. "you protected the status quo! ...
[Here's the exact moment where I get on Ehrlich's side] ... You violated consitutional rights ... it's a moral issue, it's a fiscal issue..."

O'M: "I have visited countless schools."
You can't count your own schools? hey Ehrlich, get your fingers out of your nose!
O'M"The Gates Foundation is investing Denise in reforming our high schools."
Wha? The Gates Foundation? Ain't them and Oprah helping out sub-saharan Africa?!
I'd almost forgotten how bad-off the city is ... thanks for the reminder!

"We're making progress ... not done yet." NO CRAP!
"What we need is a governor who's better at taking responsibility than he is taking cheap shots ..."

Ehrlich butts in ... "now Denise, this is important, thank you, this is what this is about. Ten thousand dropouts, where do you think those kids are today? The mayor spent more on the new slogan than he has in increasing money in schools."

O'M: "Don't know where you're getting that governor, we've increased per capita spending 20 percent."
[the upside of the population fleeing the city?]
Ehrlich looks frowny.

O'M: "... this is a race for governor, governor" (what's with the snotty tone?) "not City Council."
Yeah, cause you COULDN'T WIN THAT now!! "The truth of the matter is we're making progress Denise."
(Pee-Wee Face!)

Denise: "Yeah, good."
Then BGE rates, Ehrlich's got specific numbers, dates, uses fingers like beak of bird... point to O'Malley about the PSC.
DeReg, energy price caps.

Ehrlich: Crime is down "big time" in the State of MD ... obviously BCity has its own set of problems... we have localized approach, take state tax dollars, put them into C-safe local hot spot program, flexibility, makes great death of sense; capital punishment, I support it ... Delegate Jill Carter today again along with other leaders in the communities ... has been hypercritical of the mass arrests in Baltimore City, we do not like the spectre of one-third of arrestees being kicked out, never charged, no paperwork generated, they were just let go. It puts the police in a very demoralized, unfair situation."
Thank you! About time someone was feeling a little of the city's pain!

O'M: "The most important thing we've had to do is build consensus around public safety ... that is probably the toughest thing to do, to bring people together for public safety."

Speak for yourself guy! You're the one who can't be bothered to show to a CJCC meeting!
26,000 BCrime readers build consensus every month! ... but you don't have to be one of them to say "huh?" to figures like
"Lowest crime rate since 1960 ... we pushed the homicide rate below 200."

"The governer promised to fix juvenile services .. upgrade DNA database ...guards understaffed.... attacks on guards and inmates way up ... we need to work together."
Who's we? You and Jessamy? You and Kevin Clark?

Ehrlich: "At least two of your former police commissioners don't buy your numbers, they've been very open in that respect."
O'M, sneeringly: "have they?" (What's with the snotty 'tude again?)
"This year, Denise, 100 people have been arrested and charged with murder, and 40 of them were supposedly under direct supervision of governor Ehrlich's failed state department of parole and probation."
... can I get a source for those figures?
"We have a fast-revolving door of criminal justice ... Do something about your broken parole and probation system, do something about your broken juvenile justice system instead of trying to divide people with the issue of crime."
Do something, Daddy!

Denise: Let's talk about leadership.
O'M: The sort of leadership that I've been attracted to... that people long for, is repespectful of others... seeks compromise to find that common ground. We've made progress by having the guts to declare high goals... we're always moving forward. Leadership that will stand up for the common good ... not cynicism, negativity belittling [there's that word again!] the acheivements of any jurisdiction... we're all in this together. We need a governor who will practice the politics of bringing people together."

Here's the one time Ehrlich smiles... "I don't know what all of that means, I gotta tell ya."
I could transcribe this all day. But I gotta get some real work done!
O'Malley goes on to say the "two Bob Ehrlichs" about three more times.
Ehrlich makes rude "without us you're nothing" remarks that we all could do without.

But if you think O'Malley won, watch it again! No WAY Denise!


  1. O"Malley cleaned smirking mean Ehlrich's elitist clock. I PAY FOR YOU, WITHOUT US YOU ARE DONE!
    Bob Ehrlich, the people of Baltimore City are not your slaves. I DON"T KNOW WHAT ALL OF THAT MEANS. Of course you don't. You have never once compromised in your life. G

    get reeal dude. You beloved Ehrlich is history.

  2. Well, actually, it's true. Baltimore City's budget doesn't balance without the rather large transfer payments from the taxpayers of other counties. In other words, Mr. O'Malley didn't provide all those services he takes credit for. Mr. Ehrlich did, or at least his government did.

    Now, if you want to take a 'tude about State vs. City, then,... uh,... pay for it yourself and enjoy your independence.

  3. Gee Galt and Cybrarian I'm surprised Ehrlich isn't buying banner ads on your site.

  4. You are? Because I don't sell ads.

    I don't care who wins. I'm voting Ed Boyd!
    But O'Malley lost the debate, face it!

  5. Its 7:50 PM.. where is a cop when you need one???? Probably in the parking
    lot of your favorite supermarket or fast food joint counting down the minutes...while Lil Troy & Young Earl and the gang sit on my next door neighbors stoop talking about breaking into MY HOUSE!! when iam gone off to work!!YouTube here i come.....I never
    seen or heard young people confess
    and talk so loudly...


    where r the po po's when you need them? They are at central booking making their quotas of fake arrests that will never be charged.
