Thursday, November 16, 2006

More November 16th

A fatal shooting in Brooklyn Park last night brings Anne Arundel County's murder total for the year up to 16 (I think). Please note this does not include Annapolis, since they have their own police force that handles its own murder investigations, or any of the prisoners/prison guards that have been killed in Jessup this year, since that's state property.

Also, a double shooting at a business park in Sparks, north of Hunt Valley. WJZ is calling it a "double homicide," but WBAL and The Sun only say "double shooting" and don't know the conditions of the victims. So far, the Baltimore County Police Dept.'s press releases page has nothing about it.

UPDATE: Less than ten minutes after I posted that, WJZ changed their article from "double homicide" to "murder/suicide." Still the same link, though.

Last night during a robbery in West Baltimore, a cab driver was shot in the balls.

I always forget to check the Examiner. Galt brought this article about the undetermined deaths thing to my attention. It's not very in-depth or anything, but it's at least interesting for the breakdown of the causes of death in these cases.


  1. The examiner also indicates that O'Malley refused his breathalyzer test in '88 and that he will be taking Michael Enright with him to Annapolis. That's the same Enright whom former police Commissioner Kevin Clark implicated in concealing crimes in the City's official statistics.

  2. Looks like Evando Minor could have avoided shooting himself in the family jewels if he was convicted of carrying a firearm in April. Looks like it was Nolle Prosequi in the Maryland case search. I wonder why?

  3. probably because the officer who arrested him was suspended or indicted or quit.

  4. Based on his age I'd say he was sent back to juvenile court

  5. the cab driver was not the one "shot in the balls" as the blog entry indicates, rather it was the robber

    Bmore Sun story on recent string of bar robberies, including in Charles Village and Remington (an "up and coming neighborhood" home of the "hipster bar" dizzy izzies).

  7. B'more sure has a funny idea of 'up and coming'.

  8. The Messenger's crime log indicates that it ain't no fun to live in Northern.
