Thursday, November 2, 2006

November 2

A bullet-riddled man is at Shock Trauma after a gun battle in the parking lot of the H&S Grocery in Northeast Baltimore.

Examiner: The city's Medical Examiner's office still has 341 "undetermined" deaths from 2004.

MD prisons' overtime costs have doubled this year because of understaffing.

Lamont Sanders, 30, got more than 26 years in jail for guns-n-coke.

Poor Ray Charles is now a Mosher Street gelcap.

Darry Harrod got 12 1/2 years in the fed pen for crack dealing.

Two of the six suspected weapons-smuggling Tamil Tigers pled not guilty in federal court yesterday.

A "gifted" carjacker is going to juvie.

One of the Bowie ATM thieves, Eric "Dukie" Thomas, got 27 months in jail and must pay restitution.

The Bowie High pimp coach will stay in jail.

More on the MoCo "consentual sex can't turn into rape" case.

HoCo police arrested Ji Hwan Shin for fondling a woman on a bike path.

In Carroll County, Stephani (sic) Jones was charged with stabbing a guy in the shoulder.

A hairdresser in PCG was royally screwed when police mistook him for a fugitive.

The Sun's circulation is down. Way down.
Media analysts blame not the Examiner, but rather the Sun's general suckage for the decline.
Maybe now the Tribune will sell it to somebody who cares!


  1. The sale of The Sun would not be salutary.

    The likely purchaser would be the Abell Foundation and one could hardly find an owner with its fingers more in the pie of municipal politics. As it is, both the Abell and Goldsecker foundations need to have firewalls imposed to ensure against their influence in local government.

  2. The city which has oodles and oodles of unchargeable arrests and which has installed surveillance cameras all over Baltimore B is concerned at a new practice by a group of men living in Baltimore B: video surveillance of police conduct during arrests.

    According to the Sun's article:

    'But Hamm acknowledged that what the men are doing can have a negative consequence for police. "It could create a perception of a problem. ... It upsets our people when false claims are made," he said.'

    Oh, so now you know how it feels. Interesting.

  3. Well, the FOP has called the question and asked Mayor O'Malley to release his application to the Maryland Bar. Now that it's fully out there, I agree. If he refuses, he should be understood to be of poor character and should not be politically supported by voters of good conscience.

    He cannot be prosecuted for a willful omission, but he can certainly be voted against.

  4. As a compromise solution, Hizzoner could authorize the Bar to disclose {yes or no answer} only the information regarding whether or not he disclosed his criminal case(s), including the one mentioned which was adjudicated not unfavorably because the evidence was suppressed by Mr. O'Malley.

  5. Wow. Criminals have been busy in the Northern district.

    3 auto thefts
    5 theft from auto
    9 burglaries
    3 robberies
    1 armed robbery
    1 aggravated assault - shooting
    1 common assault

    Aboout a third of them were along the Greenmount corridor.
