Thursday, November 30, 2006

November 30

A man was found shot to death on the 3800 block of Towanda Avenue early this morning (248).

The City Grand Jury indicted Kendrick McCain, 15, of the 700 block of McCabe Avenue. for first-degree murder, robbery with a deadly weapon and conspiracy to commit robbery. Court documents allege on November 7 Kendrick McCain and three other persons approached Nicole Edmonds and her brother as they exited the MTA Light Rail Train at the West North Avenue station. Nicole's brother was thrown to the ground and a jacket was pulled over his head and that as Nicole ran away, she was chased, caught and fatally stabbed by McCain. McCain is held without bail at the Baltimore Detention Center.

The family of Josie P. Brown had to listen to a tape of UMBC student John C. Gaumer recounting how he sexually assaulted her, beat her to death and then dismembered her to cover his tracks, like he learned on CSI. Her beating death was also recorded on her cell phone. But, Gaumer says, he beat her with his head turned because "I don't have a good stomach for blood."

Ameer Taylor's first-degree murder trial was scheduled to start this morning... no word yet on if it actually did.
Update: Postponed until March 1 of next year.

A 17-year-old was shot in the back and died in Landover.

The drunk Mexican who killed Marine Cpl. Brian Mathews on Thanksgiving is an illegal immigrant.

A dice game may have been behind the stabbing of Paul Jones at Southwestern High. Three teenagers have been arrested and charged as adults.

In Upper Marlboro, the 13-year-old who killed his mother Katrina Powe and brother Mystery Hillian with a knife and ax handle pled "involved."

HoCoPoPo are looking for two pervs: a flasher in a grey car and a man who tried to grope a 13-year-old girl.

Also in HoCo:
A former firefighter, Joseph Schroen, pled guilty to arson.

There may be liquor in the front, but no poker in the rear.


  1. Would you'd have been happier had he been killed by a legal immigrant or US born citizen. Yeesh, who killed him is irrelevant because it had nothing to do with his death.

  2. Gaumer is such a twisted fuck. Here's hoping he gets raped often by men with big penises.

  3. Double shooting on Thursday night. Everyone involved survived.

  4. ppatin, I can’t figure out if that is a double shooting or a quadruple shooting. But nor, it seems, can the media. What I do know is that house is only a block away from my moms... and oh lord am I not looking forward to THAT conversation.

  5. looks like a double shooting that injured four.

  6. Two people were shot and another two were injured by flying glass.

  7. ah, yes, I was being a sloppy reader. I think when I saw the story last night on the evening news, they were still thinking "quadruple" shooting. Good! Now, when moms is screeching about four people getting shot next door, I can say it was only two people and almost and entire block away, and tell her to stop exaggerating. That’ll make it better.

  8. Yes, tell her two people were shot and two people were impaled on flying shards of glass!
