Tuesday, December 12, 2006

December 12

A state trooper in Woodlawn shot a suspect dead last night and the Trooper, First Class Eric D. Workman, was hit in the left shoulder and is critically ill and on full life support.

shootingonnorthA suspect is on the loose after a fatal shooting of a man at W. North Avenue and Pennsylvania (254).

Seventeen-year-old murder victim Guiliano Santos (253) had "had some trouble with fighting at Harbor City High School recently and had been suspended. On Sunday night, Santos received a call from a friend to go to the area where he was shot."

Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job:
Baltimore city's is the only regional jail that can't get defendants to court on time, wreaking havoc on the whole system.
Benjamin Brown, assistant commissioner of the state Division of Pretrial Detention and Services, says that no one has filed an official complaint.

WYPR covers the gay-union oral arguments with both verbiage and streaming audio.

The County and Beyond:
Donovan Cunningham, 38, of Randallstown, was sentenced to 110 months in prison and five years of supervised release for conspiracy to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine.

RIP Mabel E. Hubbard, the first brown woman to serve as a judge of the District Court of Maryland. Hubbard genuiely enjoyed law school and was fond of sayings like "If that is true there is not a dog in Georgia" and "I wouldn't entertain my husband in his underwear in my courtroom" and "I've got to stop coming to court with my neon sign on my forehead saying 'Fool. Fool. Fool.' That way you'll be [less] inclined to spit in my face and tell me it's raining."

A County judge sentenced David F. Bias Jr., 21, and Rodney E. Gibson, 24, yesterday to 40 years in prison each in the death of 20-year-old Linton A. Wittock Jr,. who suffered a heart attack during an attempted armed robbery last year in Lansdowne.
More on suffocated child murderer Richard Spicknall II. Said his ex-wife Lisa, "a weight has been lifted from our shoulders."

Civil in Anne Arundel:
Former payroll tax supervisor Kimberly Ann Whitacre, 35, pled guilty to stealing more than $50k from her staffing-company employer in Hanover.

A federal judge has ordered the Westboro Baptist Church to pay "31-hundred-and-50 dollars" for costs and fees associated with a complaint filed by the father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed.

Da*nit, what is with these nasty old white men?! Seriously, enough!:
Perv of the day is prison guard Daniel Trader, 57, of Pocomoke City, who pled guilty to sending child pornography to an undercover officer posing as a 15-year-old girl.

MORE on Timothy Gounaris ... a former Fallston High grad says she knew he was doing an underage girl and told her parents who told the school system ... this has got to be the longest story the E has ever published!

teen-jada2-1Be True to Your School: Jada Pinkett Smith, left, donated $1 million to her alma mater, the Baltimore School for the Arts. The money will go to a new theatre named for her late classmate, Tupac.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You overstate KFed's significance by the association.

  3. please delete that commercial solicit.... and this gripe.

  4. anyone have any idea of where exactly in lansdowne linton wittock was robbed at/had his heart attack? i can't find this info anywhere on the entire web. apparently the baltimore county police has actually made their press release page worse instead of improving it by paring it back to only the last couple months (it used to go back several years), and the state's attorney's website is a completely unuseful piece of shit.

  5. no clue.
    Internet databases, the most enduring yet most fragile of all media...
