Monday, January 1, 2007

January 1

Gus Sentementes puts 2006's homicide total at 274-- actually one fewer than the city's 2005 number as per the Medical Examiner's office.
Meanwhile, murder is down 15 percent in the District.

Amber KidsPolice are looking for black dad Kelechi Charles Emeruwa and his three kids.
Their mother Chidiebere Omenihu Ochulo was found murdered in Burtonsville, MoCo, and Emeruwa and the children, (left to right) Antinnoe, 6, (a girl), Elijah, 4, and Jachi, an 8-year-old boy, are missing, as is their blue Honda Civic, plate MKZ-237.

Is the burning body found in a house near Greenmount Cemetery* number 27-something? We'll never know for sure...

What the?!-- someone removed a dead woman's gravestone and put it on her father's Glen Burnie lawn.

east sidegod is love*This weekend took the husband on a Creepy Drive through the Northern and Eastern on the way to Canton-- from Greenmount and 33rd, South on Greenmount (check the nauseating flashy blue lights!), left (East) on E. North Avenue, view the Big Weird building (shown left), go South on Patterson Park Ave. to get out... or keep going East to see all the streets you read about in the blotter!
Hey Burg, I'll bet you have some good suggestions for Scenic drives through town...!


  1. the blair witch project took place in burkittsville, not burtonsville. burkittsville is in frederick county, like 10 miles from where i grew up, and it's this tiny little town with like 100 people in it that's about a million years old. burtonsville is just another boring-ass montgomery county suburb.

    that big weird building on gay street is the american brewery. back before i got a car and started exploring, i would see that building from the lab i was working in at hopkins at the time on the 9th floor and always wonder what the hell it was. it's my favorite building in the city, i love that thing. as you were heading east on north ave, did you get to where it dead ends at the gates to baltimore cemetery, which look like a big castle?

    in this article, the sun made up their own little murder map. look at the southeastern district, at the dot below the "ea" in "southeastern." is that mystery murder #268, that happened sometime between december 20th and the 23rd that still absolutely nobody has reported? in canton?

  2. oh also, i believe the burning man, if he was in fact the victim of homicide, would be #275, unless of course someone else got killed since lebard jones that hasn't been reported yet, which of course is quite possible.

  3. I just read that article, and I'm so pissed.

    I quote:

    'Police Commissioner Leonard D. Hamm said the department plans to expand its community-based programs and work more closely with the city health and social services departments to focus on at-risk juveniles. Several city agencies are also working together on an anti-gang strategy that is supported by a federal grant.

    "I call it the 'E's' and the 'H's': economics, education, healthcare and housing," Hamm said.'

    Let me translate: "Violent crime. That's not my department. What I'm going to do about youth violence is .... NOTHING, but I'll be happy to pass the buck to someone else who will also do... nothing."

  4. Thanks for the correction Burg. So THAT's the Brewery, aha!

    You know, we never found out why the Medical Examiner had 275 homicides for '05, while the Police reported 269. I guess six were ruled justified later?

  5. On the same subject, same article, "..Mayor-designate Sheila Dixon said in an interview that she thinks the federal government has focused on overseas wars in recent years and could do more to help U.S. cities that continue to grapple with high crime."

    I agree. Navy seals should come ashore in Baltimore, take our insurgents prisoner, and place them in camps at Guantanamo. Oh, and don't forget about governments which sponsor or abet insurgency, including municipal officials.

  6. Lenny Hamm would look good in an orange jumper and a hood.

  7. On WBAL Jayne Miller reports that the BCPD is reversing its position against police personnel wearing avante garde or ethnic hairstyles.

  8. Cybes, sorry you don't like the nauseating blue lights on Greenmount, but the storekeepers don't like the nauseating shootings much, either. They asked for cops. They got pyrotechnics.

    The BCPD academy class graduated a day or so before 2007 in order that the official year-end number of officers wouldn't seem as low as it is.

    Nonetheless, this department falls way short of a reasonable contingent and it presently has many defective officers who need to go, so don't be too impressed by a few more rookies.

  9. Well, its good to see that the Police Department has opted to focus on the things that are within their jurisdiction to improve - education, healthcare and housing...

    Then again, 'Oh, Sheila' probably is more focused on other major issues - such as resolutions on the Iraq War and nepotism.

    Great - the first day of 2007, and I'm already waiting for 2008.

  10. Now, I just don't get why residents in this town aren't just all over such overt stupidity.

    The Chief of Police in NYC could NEVER get away with that.

  11. Why in the world does Hammbone still have a job here?

  12. Check your Bawlimorese dictionary. The word J-O-B appears to mean something rather different in this jurisdiction. Especially if you 'work' for the City.

  13. oh also, back to the "scenic drives" thing, my favorite little area that i've found recently are the 3000-3300 blocks of north hilton street. it's a bunch of guilford/roland park sized mansions overlooking lake ashburton, and a view of downtown beyond that. pretty cool.

  14. Ooh, near Hanlon Park, where some kids hung a pit bull and PETA got upset.

    There's so much beautiful property around!
    Can you believe the West Side used to be nice?
    I blame 83 for bisecting the city.

  15. lebard jones was the guy killed on north avenue on dec. 30th, aka the last official 2006 murder (at least that has been reported anywhere).
