Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 17

The funeral was held for Detective Chesley, who "lived well and lived right."

One of the guns found with Chesley's accused killer was confiscated by police in 2001.

Vehicular manslaughter was added to the charges against Lazara Arellano de Hogue in the dragging death of 3-year-old Elijah Cozart.

A 52-year-old city cab driver was shot in the neck by one of his passengers.

A 23-year-old man was shot in the leg in Annapolis this morning.

Okay, so it's Trooper Rafeal Reyes, not Rayes. And it's not merely teenage girls he likes, it's teenage relatives. Nice.

Luvine Summers got 10 years for robbing a bank in Ellicott City.

Badges and uniforms are missing from BWI: Dutch is pissed but the TSA says it's all good.

Sometimes it's hard to know which end of the knife is pointy.

Note to car thieves: It's much easier to get away if you don't take a shortcut through someone's living room.

This way, my teeth can fall out before they get too yellowed from all the coffee I drink.

Sheila likes Hamm's "ability to provide stability and consistency..." Interesting.

"The Modell's Give Disadvantage Kids An Education". I wonder if headline writer's at WJZ are included in those being educate.


  1. Wonder why Irwin didn't mention that another cab driver was shot in the neck just last week? Maybe shooting cab drivers in the neck is common ...?

  2. "The Modell's Give Disadvantage Kids An Education"
    Bwhahaha! That take's the cake!

    ps., didn't that JZ story yesterday about the MoCo trooper make it sound like he was having some love affair with a 17 1/2-year-old? Not quite! Yuck!
    What kind of damage does the Y chromosome undergo to make someone sexually attracted to an 11-year-old? Why are there so many damn perverts?!

  3. I don't I'd say that crime prohibits you from enjoying a walk everywhere except the inner harbor. I used to walk home from Hampden to Charles Village at 2 in the morning and never felt particularly unsafe. Obviously there are a lot of areas where I woulnd't do that, but it's not like I live in constant fear.

  4. Well, now, I'd generally be willing to walk from Hampden to N. Charles Village too. You're basically walking through either a) Hopkins or b) Tuscany--Canterbury.

    Question: how would you feel about taking a detour by way of lower Remington to get there ??

    Also, on the subject of Hamm, Jessamy, & co., plesase see my post toward the bottom of yesterday's comments.

  5. "a state's attorney general that is afraid to put murderers on trial"

    Just a small nitpick here, but it's the state's attorney, not state's attorney general. The attorney generals office is a completely seperate organization.

  6. wjz connected the dots with the two cabbie shootings.

    btw, everytime i see "d's c" on here i have to fight the urge to make a "deez nuts" joke.

  7. In answer to Galt's question... I live in Remington, and I don't always feel safe... when i drive home 3 blocks at 230 am getting off work rather than walk, it's bad.

    But in my case, I think because I am well recognized in the neighborhood I could do it... everyone knows me pretty much so I guess I have a Remington "pass"

    On the other hand, if I were someone else, I'd steer clear of Remington after 9pm on foot for the simple reason that if the thugs don't know you, you might end up a victim.

    Guess there is some benefit in knowing and serving those thugs at my job, guess that breeds some semi-loyality lol
