Monday, January 29, 2007

January 29 afternoon

Brandy BrittonBrandy Britton, right, the former UMBC professor accused of prostitution, hanged herself in her HoCo home.

Puzzling metaphor of the day:"I'm not saying a black person's a magic bullet ..."


  1. Barbaro is dead now will we finally see the outrage?

  2. I can't help but to campare Baltimore to Iraq. It seems in Iraq we have 3 courses of action: status quo, redeploy, or esclate. The Baltimore PD has the same options as well. Even Bush got the picture and acted after his party lost control of Congress. you might not agree with the course change but there was admission that things in Iraq were/are screwed up and action taken. In Baltimore, officials haven't even admited there is a problem. I wonder what it will take to force their hand? it certantly won't be an election as dems never loose here. As D's C said storming the castle wont do jack.
    I fear alot more people are going to get hurt/killed before city hall gets serious about this.

  3. And check out the crime map for the last 2 weeks in Charles Village & Better Waverly !

    Just try to tell me how it's really ok here.

  4. when are those assholes in the police's IT department going to realize that when they made their last update they totally fucked up the map so now when you click on an icon to see a description of the event, it gives an address from halfway across town? it's been like a week, come on!

  5. I mean, Baltimore is bad, but 40 tortured corpses are found in the streets of Baghdad on a typical morning. Bush is sending 20,000 extra troops, mostly to Baghdad, and experts do not expect any improvement.

    Iraq is a daily horror that makes the cadaverous grind of bodymore look appealing.

  6. Baltimore contains less than 1/4 of 1% of the nation's population, in the bottom percentile of income, education, etc.

    Yet, it hosts over 1.8% of the homicides. If we had 1.8% of the nation's local law enforcement manpower, we'd have 7,500 full-time sworn officers. We have, in fact, somewhat over 2,950.

    Pitiful. Half-assed. Less than half.

  7. I am just shocked that the police would rather use up all their resources on a hooker professor with lots of KY and rubbers rather than go after the drug dealers and the murderers and the real ccriminals.

  8. Question: which task poses a greater personal hazard to them?

    Hookers armed with Trojans or killers armed with 9mm semiautomatics ?

  9. BTW, Sheila Dixon got hit by another Baltimore asshole driving without a license. Hello? Is there an absence of law & order here, or what ?

  10. Mr. Randall has pages of arrests and appears to have a currently outstanding warrant for 2nd Degree Assault.

  11. you realize the hooker professor was in howard county and not baltimore, right?

  12. OK now I am screaming at my computer WTF!!! Our new "Trash Mayor" wants to cut trash pick up so my street can be littered with so much more trash from people who have no idea what a trash can is, can't f'n read the best thing our city provides, namely the Public Works calender, and have no idea that trash isn't collected on holidays. On top of that she wants to prevent our vastly understaffed police department from working overtime (i.e. doing menial task like going to court to testify against the thugs who are ruining our city, or providing half-assed decent patrols of our streets). I guess Warren Brown was right, she really is in touch with the city's problem and provides a great role model for our nepotism inclined "next" generation. I'm starting to agree with Galt which is very disturbing to me that I'm starting to loose hope. This is very disturbing to me as I am one of those who want to BELIEVE that this can be a great city and not as I fear all MAKE BELIEVE.

  13. We're all pissed. In fact, we totally knew that sheila dixon wasn't going to do crap for this city.

    So, what next? Well, how about applying some of the anger we feel towards our city councilman? I happen to know that he likes to come and yap about how great our neighborhood is, Durhamst. Hmmm....I think we could use that as a platform to air our grievances.

  14. HoCo:
    where hookers have Ph.D.'s

    where hookers just have V.D.'s

  15. WTF!!! Former Morgan St. Student Found Dead In Car Trunk!!,It may have said she was last seen in Randallstown!!, but i bet she was murdered in BALTIMORE CITY.What a damn

  16. Don't you believe them. The Po-Po botched it and only found out by reading ol' Johnny's rant here after the fact.

    Brutality in the blotter.

  17. In other news, Harris announces he's Serious About Baltimore, and Dixon demonstrates that she clearly is not.

  18. HoCo is no heaven. residents are a bit more descreet about their indescretions. I can tell you, from experience that bored HoCo teens will spend a large majority of their time and a large majority of their rich parents money on drugs of all kinds. If Crime happens, it quickly gets sweeped under the rug and very rarely discussed; espeically in schools. Tell me, is it better to bury your head in the sand or be outraged like City residents are?

  19. Wow, Dixon is really missing the mark on police overtime. Maybe there wouldn't be so much overtime if there were enough full time police to fill the shifts.

    As for trash. I saw a ton of litter on Maryland Ave yesterday morning. As I drove I found the source, a trash truck. The worker didn't even try to get all the trash from the bin into the truck it just spilled into the street. The result was litter from 25th street to the Maryland Ave Bridge.

  20. What's the difference between Dixon and a big ol' piece of dead wood ??

    No, I couldn't think of one either.
