Wednesday, January 3, 2007

January 3 evening

It's the County's second murder or the city's fifth, or some young guy had a heart attack strolling Chinquapin Parkway. In any case, just over somebody's line, "remains were found."

And a seventh-grader was stabbed in the right forearm at a West Baltimore middle school.
Like you never stabbed anyone in middle school?

Chet Dembeck, the "Last Reporter": "Watching local TV reporters ever so softly interview Gov.-elect Martin O'Malley on New Year's Eve reminded me of a scripted, surrealistic propaganda video you might be forced to watch 1,000 times in a re-education camp in Siberia."


  1. Cy, did you post this strictly for the sake of making my blood boil? If so, mission accomplished.

    The media has been lovey dovey for pretty much all of the elected officials since they declared their candidacies. I suspect this will be essentially the same thing over the next four years.

    God help us all.

    And also - am I the only one thoroughly tired of Dan Rodricks?

  2. And I thought I was the only one expecting the reporters and the O'M to go get a room. Poor Katie.

    On Rodricks, I'm sure he believes what he's peddling, but I'm so tired of hearing that what's wrong with criminals is that I'm just not doing enough for them.

  3. Anyone notice that it's been kinda,.... violent,... for two and a half days into the year ?

    This town should have a 6:00 pm - 6:00 am curfew.

  4. Another body in Chinquapin and another stabbing in a public school.

  5. Don't worry about Katie, Galt - she'll be State's attorney in four years so no worries.

    "I'm so tired of hearing that what's wrong with criminals is that I'm just not doing enough for them."

    I don't think I've ever heard it put so well.

    I just wonder how many people will have to die in this city before people start holding politicians accountable.

    I wonder if things would be different if the position of Police Chief were elected as opposed to appointed.

  6. Nope. Then the Police Chief would spend his time catering to high-turnout voter groups like elderly grandmas with hoodlum nephews. Look at Ms. Jessamy.

    As was previously the case, the police Chief should be appointed by the Governor and his budget ought to come from a separate public safety tax which the City Council cannot get their lil' fingerprints on.

    BTW, here's the crime log in the Northern this week and last.

  7. Gotta roll that back in the winter when the sun sets earlier.

    As for the mad dash to get into the door and lock it before someone does you, unfortunately, that's what Baltimore in 2007 is about.

    Believe. Yeah, right. Just hire some cops already, will ya ?

  8. that's not really "just over the line." it's below northern parkway anyway. definitely city.

  9. Thanks Burg, I knew you'd clear that up! So we're up to five, maybe four-- looking for confirmation or deinal of the 17-year-old.
