Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 31

Police shot a home-invasion suspect on the 2900 block of Rockrose Avenue in Northwest Baltimore.
(Thanks Lurtiss)

"A 20-year prisoner who disemboweled a fellow inmate in gang warfare but maintained he acted in self-defense was sentenced today to life in prison without the possibility of parole."

Anna Ditkoff recounts the murders of Dante Watson, Bonita Madden, Anton Jones, Jr. and an unid'd man [16-20].

ANOTHER police officer has been shot, this time in a "friendly fire" accident. Fortunately, the bullet struck his vest and his injuries are not life-threatening.

After writing a confessional letter to police, state inmate Robert Preston Howard has been charged for the 1994 shooting of James Earl Singleton in Park Heights.

The feds were tracking Sintia Mesa's car because of her boyfriend's alledged drug dealing. Mesa and Jermarl/Jemarl A. Jones were also reportedly storing cash in a storage unit.

Bowling Brook School staff say they thought Isaiah Simmons was pretending to be asleep.

Two Fredneck teens (allegedly) joined Bloods, smoked some crack, then carjacked, robbed and shot minivan driver.

Girls Gone Wild: A 15-year-old girl tried to poison a basketball player on her school's team. And a Calverton Middle School student stabbed two of her classmates with a pen.


Dopple said...

The Sun reports a Baltimore Police Officer was shot in downtown this morning. Anyone know how many police officers have been the victims of serious or deadly crime this year?

Anonymous said...

The Sintia Mesa situation is interesting. If you saw family members on TV they all swore up and down that she was such an angel. Now as the story comes out she was involved with a convicted felon, someone who was probably a drug dealer. She clearly knew what he was into and the risks involved. What do we think now ? The innocent victim label doesn't seem to apply, yet one hates to blame the victim of a horrible crime. Why would a seemingly intelligent college educated person become aligned with a drug dealer ?

ppatin said...

Another city police officer was injured in a collision with an idiot driver.

Maurice Bradbury said...

Some smart, educated gals get involved with men who insult them, have drug problems, beat them, don't have no jobs, spend hours on the couch watching sports,are married, etc., under the premise that a rotten man is better than none at all.

Why? Dunno... maybe some like drama, some have their whole sense of identity tied into who they're sleeping with. Maybe this gal was a drug addict, maybe she had no idea what her boyfriend was up to and threatened to turn him in when she found out. gawd only knows.

ppatin said...

"A city police officer was shot -- apparently by mistake by another officer -- while trying to stop a car that had been reported to be occupied by an armed occupant in East Baltimore this morning, a department spokesman said.

Another police officer was injured as he rushed to block a street for the ambulance carrying the wounded officer to Maryland Shock Trauma Center when his van was broadsided."

Not exactly the BPD's finest hour. Fortunately neither police officer was seriously hurt.

John Galt said...

Get some old black & white celluloid movie film and you can produce 'Keystone Cops meet Greenmount Ave.'

Only, I'm not laughing.

Hey, what ever happened to competence ??

Anonymous said...

I was minutes behind both incidents today. Saw the ambulance and police rushing to the North ave scene as I was at Washington and North and then trying to get out of the city saw some people jump on the side of the van and try to get it open to get the guy out as tons of police converged. I should have stayed in bed today.

Anonymous said...


Maybe we'll be lucky, it will snow/sleet/ice and we can play Gears of War on teh Xbox tomorrow instead of toiling at work.

Oh, sweet sweet dreams......

John Galt said...

O'Malley in his Stae of the State address today referred to Bupe as a means of "eradicating the scourge of addiction in our neighboirhoods."

Um,.. if only it were that simple. Bupe has certain advantages over Methadone, but it's no miracle drug.

The real issue is still relapse and the futility of mandatory drug treatment.

InsiderOut said...

In the first month since Dixon took over the City government - an Baltimore City Police Officer was murdered in cold blood, a Baltimore City Police Officer was robbed at gun point while taking her daughter to day care, a Baltimore City Police Officer's son was murdered, a Baltimore City Police Officer was shot in the line of duty, and a Baltimore City Police Officer sustained serious injuries from a car accident with a reckless driver. Dixon's solution - reduce Baltimore City Police's overtime.

John Galt said...

FYI, fatal double shooting on the 800 block, N. Hilton in SW.

Anonymous said...


Why bother playing on the 360 with Gears of War?

East Side has it's own gears of War
West Side is more like Rainbow Six Vegas

Take your pick of any 3rd person shooter for South and Northwest Baltimore

I wake up here everyday, and the only positive I see is that my family and I still wake up.

Even thought about sending a angry email to the Mayor's office, but will it mean shit? I'll send it tonight anyway and see if I get a response.

And my friends wonder why my husband and I keep a licensed 40 cal in the house.... because you never know when you may be in a real life sharpshooter match in this god-forsaken town.

Anonymous said...

saw the copd responding to tht murder galt on the wat home from work. you have details?

him djing almost makes me want to show up at sky lounge tonight

John Galt said...

The assault-robberies continue on Greenmount in Worser Waverly, while smash 'n grab commercial burglaries are the rule further up York Rd. in Govans.

John Galt said...

Kevin Clark is back in court. I'll be interested to see what his testimony reveals regarding the complicity of Gov. O'Malley's Chief of Staff Michael Enright in falsifying the crime statistics to the FBI. Clark previously stated that Enright made him downsize the rape numbers.

Anonymous said...

nice racism there blogger, calling frederick "fredneck." can i then call baltimore "baltNIGmore? oooo that's right, ur black, and its OKAY for blacks to be racist, but not whites...

Anonymous said...

Um Anon... I don't ...well I know D's isn't black but I am... why are you so offended?

Maybe you should do some research before you say something about someone without knowing what your talking about.

And seriously, If your so offended, why the anon post? Takes a lot of heart to say something anonymously

D's we should brainstorm and make a list of the top ten blogger insults... whaddya think?

House Head said...

DJ Tommy sucks and so does the Sky Lounge for having the attempted murderer play there. Let all the house heads ban Sky Lounge due to the fact that they like rehiring killers!!!! Did I forget to mention that DJ Tommy sucks!!!! He is an embarrassment to the Baltimore music scene! He needs to get the hell out of Baltimore!!! The only lounge that deserves him is the prison lounge!