Friday, January 5, 2007

January 5

burgessFredCo police are looking for Robert Lee Burgess Jr., left, a murder suspect whose last known address was in HoCo.

[Case name redacted by request-- this person was found not guilty] Another Update: An available courtroom was found and Judge Paul Alpert was open. The defendant chose a bench trial* instead of a jury trial, so Judge Alpert will hear and decide the case. Pretrial motions will be heard at 2:00 p.m. today and the openings will begin 9:30 a.m. Monday, January 8. Judge Alpert is a retired Judge so we don't know yet where he will be sitting Monday.
Ghosts of the Internets: [defendant] last logged in to myspace a week ago. And someone logged on on behalf of his alleged victim, Anu Ramasamy, a few days ago.
Update: Judge Welch has a trial starting Monday, so court administrators have to find a new judge and courtroom. Why no one thought of that before today, dunno...

*Why might a defendant want a bench trial? Notes this legal article,
In the local slang of some courthouses, a bench trial is known as a "slow plea," meaning that the local culture understands that the purpose of a bench trial is to find the defendant guilty, and present details of the case to the judge for purposes of sentencing. In such a jurisdiction, a defendant who believes in her innocence would be ill-advised to waive a jury.
A sentencing hearing for Donta Allen, admitted killer of Hopkins coed Linda Trinh, is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Monday, January 8, 2007 before Judge Roger W. Brown.
Also scheduled Monday: the trial of Charles Carroll, indicted for second-degree rape, four counts of sexual abuse of a minor under the age of 18 and two counts of third-degree sexual offense, and the trial of Acurtiss Grimes, indicted Grimes July 15, 2004 for first-degree murder and child abuse in connection with the death of his 2-month-old daughter Kaitlyn.

A County man spent 14 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit, but he can't be pardoned because he's pled guilty to sodomy.

The future is now: gait-recognition software can detect suspicious pedestrians.

Andrea Siegel: "A Glen Burnie father shouted 'It's not fair!' and kicked his chair away yesterday after an Anne Arundel County judge sentenced him to 18 months in jail for a drunken-driving crash that killed two youngsters, one of them his."

Two homicide victims named: Larry Parks, 37, was shot in April and died in November (275 of 2006), and Eddie Golf, 26 (2), was the man found near Leakin Park.

bedard myriamTug-of-Love maman Myriam Bédard is back in Québec, according to spokesmountie Sylvain L'Heureux (whose name means "The Happy Woods"). Thus ends MD's role in the tale of international scandal and intrigue.

The minivan-thief shot by police in PGC was ID'd as Mark Antonio Washington, 43.

The election may be over, but MD's voting-machine woes go on ...

ratburgerYou want flies with that? Says Health Commissioner Sharfstein, 16 percent of Baltimore City McDonald's restaurants have been closed on account of filth.


ppatin said...

If it were up to me that drunken asshole would've gotten a decade in prison for each kid he killed.

Anonymous said...

I despise the myspace stuff, but have you checked out the mydeathspace page? Equal parts fascinating and creepy. If you follow the links of the myspace dead, you’ll see that the friends of all of the deceased continue to leave messages, especially on holidays... as though the after-world has internet access. Lots of “merry christmas! I love and miss you so much! *hugz!* say hi to grandma for me! U Rawk! Lata!”


John Galt said...

On the subject of Bench Trial election, let's stop being politically correct here. Isn't DJ Tommy Ryan a white boy ??

THAT'S why he doesn't want a jury trial with a characteristically Baltimore (overwhelmingly black, female, inner city, ill-educated )jury. Their unique sense of justice will tend to operate against his interests.

burgersub said...

i still have a small shred of pride left for frederick, my hometown, so i'd just like to say that frederick is a big enough city that it has its own police force that investigates its own shit. we don't need those stupid hicks from the county sheriff's office!

Maurice Bradbury said...

Frederick is lovely ... next October let's all make a date to go to the Great Fair!

Maurice Bradbury said...

... speaking of what's fair

burgersub said...

you can't compare cities like frederick with baltimore. frederick's "bad parts" have never been anything remotely like baltimore's. growing up, there was never any single part of frederick that i was scared of going to at night, with the possible exception of the tiny john hanson housing project, which was torn down a few years ago. for a long time i had a friend that lived in the countryside apartments, which were always known for being the epicenter of the non-latino crack trade in frederick, and i spent many a summer night there sitting on his porch until 3 am smoking weed and drinking beer, not worrying about being the victim of a crime because, hey, it's just frederick. hell, that place was directly across the street from my pediatrician's office when i was little. even my mom isn't scared of any part of frederick, and she used to get freaked out just by the couple blocks of 28th street in remington she had to drive through to get from the expressway to my house a couple years ago.