Tuesday, January 9, 2007

January 9

Sun: "City homicide count rises to 9"
Can someone please tell me which don't count or are the same person or something?:
1. Leon Nelson, 17, China Garden
2. Man, early 20's at Windsor Forest apt. complex, 4900 Challedon Road
3. Woman in 2000 W. North Avenue Rowhouse
4. Another 17-year-old on Belnord, SE? - disputed
5. Thomas Joseph MacKenney, the 5900 block of Northwood Drive near Chinquapin Run
6. Yule Antonio Henderson, 21, 1800 block of N. Montford Ave.
7. Un ID'd man, 5200 block of Ready Ave.
8. Ray William Alston, 27, 300 block of W. North Ave.
9. Edward L. Canupp, 500 block of Maude Ave.
10. 16-year-old boy 5100 block of Harford Road
11. An Un Id'd man shot in the chest at an unknown location and dropped off at the Johns Hopkins Hospital emergency room
12. Detective Troy Lamont Chesley Sr., 34. (whose alleged killer, Brandon Grimes, had been arrested 17 times. )

A 13-year-old girl took the stand against her accused rapist Charles Carroll.


  1. #1 counts
    #2 counts, and has been identified as Eddie Golf, 26
    #3 does not count, at least to the sun, but the examiner said that one counts, but they did not mention #5
    #4 ABC apparently jumped the gun in declaring that kid dead, last i read on other news sites, he was still in critical condition
    #5 counts according to the sun, not according to the examiner
    #6 counts
    #7 counts
    #8 counts
    #9 counts
    #10 counts
    #11 counts
    #12 counts but happened after the sun ran the article where they said the total was nine, and i guess they forgot to update it

  2. hey, i've got a poll for everybody. today the city paper's photographer contacted me to make an appointment to take my picture for anna ditkoff's murder ink year-in-review article, in which she interviews me, the cybrarian, liz, and murderland chuck. he said he wants to take a picture of me at a location where a murder has actually occurred, but didn't say which one, and didn't even answer my question about whether they had one in mind or they expected me to pick one. i feel really weird about this, and here is part of the email i sent back:

    In fact, I'm a little concerned that me being photographed at a murder scene in the first place might be sort of inappropriate, like people will think that I'm acting like I know what they're going through just because I run a website from the safety of my home/office. I don't live in the hood and I have never been personally affected by anybody's murder yet (knock on wood).

    his reply to that was two parts. #1 i shouldn't worry about it, and #2 his art director INSISTS on doing it this way.

    how would you guys feel about this?

  3. A photograph of you at the scene of a murder would be gauche, to say the least.

  4. I sure wish they'd focus less on sensationalism and pay more attention to analytic recommendations regarding actual corrective measures so that the preponderance of structural crime in this jurisdiction diminishes over a finite timeline on schedule.

    It can be done.

    There's no good explanation for why the latest police officer is dead. The trajectory of murdering hoodlum Grimes has been manifest. Like so many of our population of career criminals, it was only a matter of time, and so was entirely avoidable.

  5. The scumbag who murdered officed Chesley had been arrested 17 times in the past 3 & 1/2 years. Clearly our justice system is hopelessly broken. Human garbage like that should be locked up before they have a chance to murder someone. I hope that Grimes ends up on death row, but with our worthless State's Attorney I know that'll never happen.

  6. The most recent Sun article about the murdered cop says that the homicide count for the year is up to 13.

  7. BS:
    Not respecting your limits isn't cool. The art director sounds like a jerk.

    Maybe they can find a way to compromise with you? I'd suggest that. I think CP could at least tell you what site they intend for you to be photographed at. What's the big deal?

  8. Wow, I haven't talked to him yet, but at first pass that does sound ... what's the word I'm looking for here... tacky?
    I have to think about how I feel about that.
    Thanks for the warning.

  9. Burger,why not suggest having your pic taken in front of City Hall, Mitchell Court House, Police HQ, or the ME's office...maybe with the skyline of b-more in the background. The site of a murder is probably inappropriate.

  10. Regarding the photo shoot,

    How about putting an 'Only the good die Young.' T-shirt on the Mayor and then strap a teddy bear and funeral flowers to him with some R.I.P. balloons ????

    Or maybe just have him stand in the background wearing a T-shirt which reads:


  11. I thought about it Burg, I see your point. It could work at well as a concept, like, let's bring attention to this one person who died and was mostly ignored. But it could also turn out looking like, you looking maudlin and hand-wringing on some stranger's stoop.

    After thinking about it I decided standing where one person died is weird. Like inserting yourself into a personal tragedy where you don't belong. I set it up for Leakin Park, as so many victims seem to show up there.

  12. i think what i'll do is take dopple's advice and suggest police headquarters or city hall or something. if the art director doesn't like it, he can go fuck himself. i didn't get interested in this stuff to get recognition and i certainly don't need the city paper's validation of my weird hobby, especially after the talking head/dan mcintosh character assassination piece they ran last week which made me pretty angry. it was nice seeing the outpouring of angry letters about that today. i don't know if any of you guys know or care about that situation...

  13. It being you, burg, what about one of the places where the press said there was a murder-- but it turns out they got the address wrong and it happened somewhere else?

  14. We did Leakin Park this afternoon. I told JJS he should pull your leg and tell you his art director wants to wait until there's another homicide so you can go pose in with the body. He didn't think you'd be amused...

  15. haha, that would have been great. i have a pretty good sense of humor, actually. nothing really offends me in joke form. once you get down to actions, or representing those jokes as news, that's when it stops being funny to me.
