Monday, January 15, 2007

Serious, starting next month...

Tuesday, January 9, Hamm talks to Sentementes and Linskey for an article:
"Police Commissioner Leonard D. Hamm said that officials who participate in the city's Criminal Justice Coordinating Council - a group of elected officials, law enforcement agency representatives and others - 'need to start getting serious about getting people off the street.'"

Wednesday, January 10, as in, the next damn day:
Hamm is a no-show at the CJCC meeting.
Only one person from the police department (James Green, director of special projects) bothered to go.


  1. What can I say? Hammbone's a perfect politician in the making. All talk and no walk. If he keeps at this pace, he could be Governor!

    :rolls his eyes:

  2. Leonard Hamm is reminding me more and more of Commissioner Burrel from The Wire.
