Tuesday, January 16, 2007

We call it "the Baltimore"

Hey Ladies"Its many features include compartments for emergency morphine ... Built into the forearms are a small recording device, a pepper-spray gun and a detachable transponder that can be swallowed in case of trouble."


  1. Cop-killer Grimes' gun was on its second time through police custody.

  2. do you read bco or something? people were talking about the bear suit on there too today.

  3. no, what's BCO?
    Someone sent that to me ... I probably wouldn't have posted it but for the so-Baltimore detail of a pouch for your emergency heroin!

  4. That suit weighs 40 pounds before you start strapping on gear, weapons, and ammo. If perchance the Canadian government started using it, infantrymen would be driving to Hamilton just to punch that guy in the face.
