Saturday, February 3, 2007

Feb. 3 evening

A man was found dead in Harwood, AAC (not Baltimore City).

The mother of a 28-year-old man shot to death by a 13-year-old during a robbery in Baltimore is now part of a mothers' group in Harlem working to get illegal guns off the street.

Rozza Alston was arrested for stabbing 80-year-old Lilli Segal Jan. 26 at the Norf Abenue KFC.

Police shot and wounded a man after he fired at them during a drug arrest near Green Mount* Cemetery.
* two words? Really?

PGC police are going undercover to catch the UM Peepy Snuggler, and students are on high alert: "We keep the doors locked all the time; that's a big security thing with us."

Horrid sexual assault against a "heavily medicated" woman at HoCo General Hospital.

The Post also asks, What happened to the Rachels? It's sounding like a suicide-pact thing.


  1. Real classy of you, Cybrarian, to make fun of the vernacular accent ("norf abenue"). Why don't you put on some black-face make up to complete the effect?

  2. this just in: only black people speak with a baltimore accent.

    in related news, i've never seen a john waters movie or that crazy scott donahoo guy.

  3. You've never seen Scott Donahoo? You need to watch more channel 54!

    Think I'll disable the anon comments again, unless one of my co-bloggers objects... it seems to invite idiots.

  4. ps. burg, is "Green Mount" as in cemetery, really two words?

  5. i've seen scott donahoo a million times, i was pretending to be that other asshole up there.

    as far as the cemetery goes, i don't know. i wish you had asked me that yesterday because last night i was at the house of some friends that have the official map of the cemetery that you get when you visit hanging on their living room wall.

  6. a map of a cemetary? Is that normal? I've never gotten a map when visiting any cemetary.

  7. According to its Board of Managers,it's Greenmount Cemetary.

    Its 1839 Plan is on file at the JHU Sheridam Libraries.

  8. well there are a lot of important historical figures buried there and people go to take tours of it and stuff, so i guess that's why they need maps.

  9. I have to make a list of all of the "secret agendas" and identities I've been accused of harboring on here!

    - Republican
    - Liberal Apologist (from galt, back in the day)
    - Libertarian
    - Federalist
    - a man
    - a black person prejudiced against white people
    - a white person prejudiced against black people
    - prejudiced against Asians
    - a clickety-clacker with a Media Critic hat on
    etc etc!
    ... and there was some other political term I'd never heard of that came up around the election.

  10. ahaha i never saw that comment before. who the hell seriously gets offended by the term "redneck?" i grew up in frederick and half the people there call it "fredneck" too. whatever.

  11. And weren't you also at some point 'outed' for in fact being Galt.

    I/we/she/he have no secret agenda.

  12. Didn't Doug Gansler get yelled at for a moment by Rolle in the Attorney General Election for referring to Frederick as Fredneck?

    Baltimore has far worst names attached to it such as:
    -Harm City

    Anyone have any other names?

  13. bodymore, murderland
    the city that bleeds

  14. Oh, I've got another name - the greatest shitty in America?

  15. D's why don't we just make a list. My blog doesn't get 1/10th the hits you get, but I get emails randomly accusing me of being an idiot savant { I actually like that one}, a one person pity party{ as if pity parties ever have more than ojne person}, racist{ I don't know how but o.k} and being "insensitive to Ameer Taylor}... people on the internet , for the most part anyway... are crazy cooky weirdos who have nothing better to do in life but talk smack online and insult you in any way they see fit. That's why they are 500lbs, balding and sitting at their comp with a jar of vaseline { for their hot online dates because they are soooo cool}

  16. Speaking on behalf of fringe fanatics, some of us kinda like the truth.
