Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February 20

An unidentified man [38] was shot to death on the same block as David Frasier [35].

County police: three fatal shootings so far this year were all, like, totally justified.

U of M student Nicole Shiffman was murdered in Arizona.

Robert "Sam" Slater, 21, a sociology major at Trinity College, Connecticut, was stabbed in the cheek at a frat party.

Bleeding internally and short a kidney, A. Robert Kaufman still refuses to kiss up to the fat cats.

Mary Lou Shifflet, 46, was killed in a hit-and-run accident in Pasadena on Friday night. The fleeing jackass was ID'd as one Jose Santos Toledo.

Robert Paul LaytonPervertito del giorno: Registered offender Robert Paul Layton, 48, at left, who allegedly sexually abused a 13-year-old boy at his home and solicited a 14-year-old boy, luring them with booze, weed and a pool table. Police also found nude pictures of boys, and are asking other victims and witnesses to come forward.

Feel bad for li'l bastard Dannilynn Hogan-Stern-Smith?
Stephanie Coontz explains why you shouldn't.


  1. "Jose Santos Toledo of no fixed address..."

    Gee, I wonder if he was in the country legally?

  2. I got a response from Belinda Conaway from my email, and most of it was the standard form response... I was pleasantly surprised

  3. Doesn't the Mayor know that Traffic Calming devices only lead to more road rage.

    Or maybe it's just me.

  4. Traffic calming is fine for residential areas, but in commerical areas and thru ways we should encourge pedestrians to use cross walks and wait for their light to turn green instead of obliviously walking into traffic...very very slowly.

  5. BIG OOPS ... i meant to say most of it WASN'T the standard form response.

  6. what did she say?
    What did you say?

  7. Actually, I can think of an awful lot of Baltimoreans who should be encouraged to walk obliviously into traffic. City employees figure prominently among them.

  8. Well basically she said that the neighborhood association has been on her for a school in this area since this area has maybe one elementary school for Remington...

    She asked to pass my info along to the neighborhood association pres, which i agreed to but I think if I meet her again it will go as badly as the first time... Chuck may remember... she harrassed us while cleaning a vacant lot on 26th and Miles, and when we explained what we were doing she was basically an asshole.

    The issues regarding policing was a very "standard" answer but I was impressed with her hands on attempts to work with the community regarding pushing for a new school and the right to use the greenmount school facilities during the summer for youth activities. I'll forward you the email if you'd like.

    No response from rawlings-Blake yet... maybe she couldn't read my email with all that M.A.C eyeliner on!

  9. No good can come from any political leader in this town with the last name Conaway.

    If it were at all possible I would blame the poor state of the Baltimore courts on the fact that Frank Sr. and Mary are in the Mitchell courthouse.

    Don't feel too bad Liz - my suspicion is she's still sour from her defeat in the state senate election.

    Is it just me or does Rawlings-Blake look like a bullfrog in her baltimore city council photo? I guess MAC can't cure it all.

  10. I'd send Mrs. Blake some vanishing cream if I thought it'd make her go away.

    As for the Association Pres., yeah, Joan is a bit shrill, but I'll grant that she tends to at least do her homework. A personality transplant would go a long way, even if her intentions are pretty sound.

  11. Yes Galt, she is somewhat socially challenged.

    Cynic, when I said I was pleasantly surprised, it wasn't because I was soo impressed with what she said, but that the response was written in a way that didn't actually sound like a fill in the blank form or tell me that she understands my deep concern.

    I have no faith in any of the leadership in baltimore at this point really,... like I said a few days early, circus animals could run this city better, and much cheaper.

    Maybe if we hire a dancing bear to replace Hamm,a circus monkey to replace Dixon, and a couple of dogs riding tricycles to make up the rest of city council, we could save some cash and actually hire some more police.

    Why does Baltimore need the Ringling Brothers at the Mariner Arena when we have a daily sideshow at City hall, and we are already paying for it... I think the stupidity in office is the greatest show on earth, a tragic one but a great show of incompetence.

  12. And if you've ever been so blessed as to see O'Malley's March perform, you can add a trained seal to our municipal Menagerie.

  13. Cynic, I really like Frank Senior. He seems to be the only sane one in the room at CJCC. Don't know how he spawned such a wackadoodle son, though...
