Thursday, February 8, 2007

February 8

Acurtiss Grimes got off scot-free for allegedly shaking his two-month-old daughter to death.

Nelsene Hattie Burnette's alleged killer called the woman's family from jail and told them where to find the body.

Suspects were arrested in the murders of Stephanie Stevens and Joseph C. Simms.

David Helms pleaded guilty to manslaughter for the drunk-driving accident that killed a MoCo art teacher.

A convicted rapist's name was removed from the sex offender's registry, and the victim feels "like I'm being raped by the state all over again."

"Do these clear heels match my sheet?" KKK leader George Young is in big trouble for convincing an underage girl to strip, touch Grand Dragon Junior to join Klavern.

Chun-Hua Liu will be imprisoned separately from his co-defendants, all of whom he testified against. The four men pleaded guilty in a Timonium home-invasion in 2006.

Former BPD officer Frances Hamilton claims she was fired for reporting overtime fraud in her unit, but the police say it was due to falsified paperwork.

Apparently, the state of downtown Baltimore is "mostly upbeat."
Kirby "Get In On It" Fowler: "The prosperity is spreading from the heart of downtown outward."


  1. Well I don't live in Maryland but this is a very interesting site. I wish there was one like it for my state.

  2. "Mostly upbeat" = first you get beaten up a few times, then you get beaten down!
    "Prosperity"= Rich, steamy heaps of manure

    Note that the city's real estate prices are going up because the companies that can afford to have moved to the suburbs, driving up the prices out there!

  3. If anyone goes to see Mitchell, ask him how black he is on a scale of 1 to 10, for the benefit of voters who are only going to vote for someone who's extra, superduper "black" (he said you're entitled to that opinion, after all!).

  4. i'm going to not vote for mitchell solely based on that whole mercy hospital demolition thing going on.

  5. The guys over at Rebuilding Madison had some thoughts on Mitchell in a 1/29/2007 post:

    "Read yesterday that Keiffer Mitchell has lost his day job as a bank teller because of his run for mayor. He has been an out of touch, laurels resting non leader all the time I lived in his district. Certainly good at finding photo ops ... and not much else. I appreciate his efforts on the school reform, though keeping it under local control doesn't seem an accomplishment when that hasn't worked for decades. I'm glad he's running for mayor. Frees up his council position. Perhaps someone who actually understands the district and does something will succeed him."

    If you've never read that site, go to the "Journal" link in the top left when you have some time to read about their experiences. It's fascinating.

  6. Oh yeah, that's a "good" read (as in, quality reading that's depressing as hell).

    What's the Mercy demolition thing, and what's 16-piece got to do with it?

  7. Holy Crap!
    Anna Nicole is dead!
    I blame that lawyer. I think he gave the son the fatal dose of methadone, too.
    Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled miseries...

  8. No Cybrarian, "Prosperity" - yuppie whole foods shopping schmucks who are convinced that living in fells won't get you jacked or hurt in harm city.

    Mitchell seemed like a pretty nice guy when I met him. So does Harris, who I would hope runs as well. But I don't appreciate the work that is going on in Mount Vernon under his watch. Do we really need more condos in this freaking city? I mean, really.

    Anna Nicole Smith - could someone remind me what disease she cured to warrant such coverage in the media?

    Jaime - here's what happens when you cry racism in america. In some cases it is true. In others it gets blown out of proportion, distorted, and manipulated to the point that people can't distinguish truth from reality.

    That Warren Brown fellow is a sneak who is only out to manipulate the population so that he can get more money and/or power. Hm. Perhaps he should run for mayor too?

  9. cybez, the mercy thing is detailed in this article.

    Though the hospital announced its expansion plans in 2005, the situation came to a head this fall when City Councilman Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr., at Mercy's request, drafted an amendment to an otherwise innocuous bill that removed the houses from a list of "notable" properties - a designation that required a one-year waiting period before demolition, among other things.

    Preservation advocates - even the city's Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation - knew nothing of the action until the bill was signed into law.

    The city then granted the hospital a demolition permit, which Baltimore Heritage quickly appealed, citing violations of open government standards.

    the stuff they're talking about demolishing is a row of houses on st. paul that were built in the 1820's and are some of the oldest (or maybe the oldest, i forget) buildings still standing in downtown. they also played some important role in black history in baltimore, but i forget what that role was exactly (i'm kind of drunk).

  10. Question: when did 'high cost of living' become synonymous with prosperity?

    My taxes have gone way up because a bunch of idiots have paid waaaayyyy too much to live in Charles Village, but the neighborhood is no safer than it ever was, we have fewer cops, the schools rot, and all the neat stuff to do in town has been relocated down to Disneyland/Harborplace. What about this is good news, Kirby Fowler? Oh, that's right. You get a check, like the other municipal bloodsuckers. Great.

    I'll try to remember to be appreciative.

  11. Hey, check out this month's crime in Charles Village/Better Waverly. Kinda scary, no?

    I'll try to remember what the O'M said about the city being 40% safer. Than what, Baghdad ??

  12. An easy way to tell that there are data missing is there there would seem to have been no murders last year in Harwood, when in fact it had one of the higher murder densities in Baltimore. Remember the triple shooting on Ilchester and the Bloods vs. Gorillas shootout nearby on Guilford ??

  13. Galt - I believe the database only goes back 90 days.

  14. Now that would make some sense.

    But it makes CV/Waverly look pretty awful over a 53-day period, don't you think ??

  15. I thought the home invasion was in Sparks?
