Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 27 evening

Rasul Malik Brown was arrested for the January 8 murder of 16-year-old Marcus McDowell [9], and Gregory Johnson Jr., 21, is being held for killing Vernon L. Carter in 2005.

At about 11 this morning, following four days of testimony and more than four of deliberations, a Baltimore City jury convicted Derrick Taylor, 27, of the Remington halfway-house triple murders; on January 10, 2005 Taylor shot and killed Nathan Gulliver, 49, Antwon Arthur, 38, and Steven Matthews, 36 in 540 block of West 27th Street and was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder committed during the commission of a felony. Taylor faces a maximum possible prison term of life without the possibility of parole (in the County Taylor would be eligible for the death penalty) and is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Roger W. Brown on April 10. The jury also convicted Taylor of several handgun counts but failed to reach verdicts on first-degree murder (premeditated) and several second degree murder counts and assault counts, upom which Judge Brown declared a "mistrial." Taylor remains held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center. A second defendant in this case, Corey McMillon, is serving a prison term of life plus 20 years for a previous murder conviction and faces an April trial date for his alleged involvement.

WBAL: "Landlord Continued To Rent Deplorable Properties" (Oh, THAT guy!)

Wonder when someone was last killed with an assault weapon?

Who returned the skull of the Fredneck sheep? (JZ: "It's" leg had also been removed.)


  1. From the Sun.

    "A Baltimore jury this morning convicted Derrick Taylor, accused of killing three men living at a recovery house, of three counts of felony murder -- which could keep him in prison for life without the possibility of parole."

    I say lock him up and throw away the key.

  2. FYI, several guys stabbed a victim outside a Dunkin Donuts on the 5600 block, York Road in Govans.

    This stuff is getting pretty common up around that area, just below the Senator.

  3. The Downtown Partnership wants to implement pay toilets which will require that somebody 'police' the conduct inside them. Question: if we don't have enough resources to deal with the shootings, how can anyone propose to create new needs for supervision ?

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