Saturday, March 17, 2007

March 17

65-year-old Charles R. Erdman has been added to the list of this year's homicides. He died on March 9 after being intentionally run down after a minor traffic accident.

A 23-year-old woman was raped in White Marsh last Saturday morning.

A Hyattsville woman helped reunite a Missouri mother and her kidnapped son.

In AAC, Aubrey Mayhew cried and pleaded guilty to strangling his estranged wife, who for some inexplicable reason was seeking full custody of their two kids.

Sheila D. apologized for the cops who arrested a 7-year-old boy. She is also calling for an emergency meeting about the problem of student-on-teacher attacks in the city's school system. If we're really lucky, maybe she and Commissioner Hamm will form both a task force and a committee.

Four years for the racist Hagerstown cop.

College students in Salisbury are passing "bogus Benjamins." (WJZ's words, not mine.)

Columbia cat ladies Ayten and Nese Enetullah Icgoren accepted a plea deal for their animal cruelty charges.


  1. Baltimore Del. Jill Carter said, “We’d be better off if the police were spending their time going after people who are harming our children.”

    It seems to me the parents were the ones harming the child by allowing him (a 7 year old) to speed over concrete and asphalt streets at breakneck speeds without even wearing the minimum safety equiptment.

    Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm said the officer "had other options", but declined to elaborate on what the officer could have done. Amazing, patrol officers are required to make immediate corrective actions on the street, yet Hamm couldn't state just one during a press conference.

    What a way to lead by example Commissar. And here I thought only Mayor Dixon was incompetent.

  2. Nah, I've seen a better Head on a cabbage.

  3. Lmao @ Galt's comment...

    The thing I though was funny watching the mother of that boy talk on tv is that, like gor said, why the hell was a 7 year old on a dirtbike, moving or not? And why was she in the house while a 7year old was outside playing? Don't people watch their kids anymore????

    It still, all in all, doesn't justify arresting and fingerprinting a 7 year old... maybe they should've taken the mother for neglect.

  4. Jesus, that Erdman hit-and-run story is pretty scary. I was rear-ended on St. Paul last year, and I didn't bother asking the guy for his info - I just didn't want any trouble. Looks like that might be the smart move.

    Meanwhile, it looks like the po-po have screwed the pooch on this one - two weeks to tell people to start looking for this truck? What are they going to find on it after this thing's been driving around in the snow for two weeks?

  5. I think you might be right on target lil sis. Maybe interviewing the parents first would have been a better choice, but I haven't heard what lead to the dirt bike situation (maybe the officers got a call about a young kid racing up and the street, maybe this wasn't the first time the officer dealt with this particular family for the same reason, at this point I not sure).

  6. DOC has finally shut down The Maryland House of Correction. What an ironic name, since you can be sure that people who went in there only came out worse.

    The hit-and-run story is really scary. Sure makes me wish that law-abiding citizens could get concealed carry permits in Maryland.

  7. the racist threat cop was hagerstown, not frederick. there is huge difference (the difference being i hate hagerstown and it sucks).

  8. So, Mayor Dixon has discovered that teachers are regularly assaulted in Balto. City public schools ?

    Has she been up on the Space Station for a few decades? Employed? Here? Doing what? City Council President! For how many years? And she had no idea, huh? Amazin'. Just amazin'.

    And she's striving 'day and night' to discover a solution to the 30% increase in shootings this year over the 18% increase last year ?? Does she need glasses? Maybe a study skills tutor ?? Now, I didn't go to Muhammad Ali Middle School in Baltimore, but where I learned math, that meant a 53% increase in shootings over two years (the two years after gubernatorial candidate O'M told us it was down 40%, as it happens.)

    Hire cops. Thousands of cops. Good cops. Ones who can deal with a dirtbike juvie without a SWAT team. And then fire some of these PTSD dysfunctional cops you've got arresting everyone.

    Now, it seems Ms. Dixon and Mr. Hamm have ushered in a new era in community policing: when we improperly arrest people, we now publicly apologize on the evening news. Cool. Let's see... we arrest 25,000 people a year without charging them, which is 68 per day. If both the Mayor and the Commish. do a 30 sec. soundbite per unconstitutional detainee, that's a one-hour local reality program daily. We could call it 'The Sorriest City.' I'd like to host it, comb over my hair like Trump, and tell the arresting officer and Hamm:

    with a air-slicing motion of my right hand

    "You're Fired."

  9. Forgot about advertising time, so maybe it should go onto Local Access Cable TV as the Incompetence Channel.

    That way you could also get interviews from the City impound lot that sells off your car after it's been stolen, the Balto. City garbage truck driver that crashes into people's porches which are then condemned by a housing inspector, and the BDC geniuses who paid over three times market value to build the Balto. Convention Hotel and now have discovered that they are looking at lousy bookings for years and years to come, with the City picking up the $?00,000,000 tab because Marty O'Malley wanted to play Trump just before leaving town.

  10. Very good points Mr. Galt!! Thats
    real talk!!

    The movie '300' tops the box office once again for the second week....
    at an average of 25 murders a month
    ....guess what??!!!!

    This whole hoopla over that little
    b""""d(excuse my french) on a dirt bike is a daily operation around these parts (MIDDLE EAST) 7 days a week you will see kids ranging from 7 to 18 yrs of age roaring down MONUMENT/JEFFERSON/ or KENWOOD for hours on end especially on SUNDAYS!!! not a cop in sight!!Last
    weekend, a dude was shot while riding his illegal YAMAHA on enemy turf!!!(BLOODS VS. BLOODS) I found this out by standing in my doorway and listened to a couple of 8 year olds preaching the GOSPEL of the streets.9 times out of 10 that little b""""d is on the road to ghetto stardom (lol)

    Before i bought my new car, my last HOOPTIE (lol)windshield was cracked.I was pulled over probably about 10 times(on my return home from my 9 to 5,.. I DO PAY TAXES!!!) within the 30 days of my citation ,and treated like i was a criminal for just having a 16 inch crack in the winshield!!!

  11. Supreme, the only reason you was stopped 10 times for a cracked windshield is because you was capable of being stopped. Those dirt bikes fly over 50 mph on the tight, narrow city streets and cut though alleys and parked cars that a police crusier could never do. So, tag your it.

    What can the police really do to those people and kids on those bikes? Can the Commissar come up with an idea?

  12. It's not exactly brain surgery to solve the dirtbike problem. Put about 50 of Galt's new cops on Yamaha 250s that can "fly over 50 mph on the tight, narrow city streets and cut though alleys and parked cars that a police crusier could never do."

  13. i thought they did get police dirtbikes (or at least were talking about it) like a few years ago. what happened with that?

  14. Probably stolen by the 7 year-old.
