Friday, March 2, 2007

March 2

Starting Monday at the courthouse: "Reception Court."
Explains an insider: "The goal of reception court is to have all the cases for trials appear before two judges, one in each building. They will personally review all these cases then send them off to other judges who presumably will not have dockets since all the cases will be before the so called reception courts. Determinations will be made as to what cases should go forward, etc, based on how old they are, how many times they have been postponed, etc."

Marc Steiner spent two hours talking about Baltimore crime, and in the modern fashion both shows are available as a two-part podcast: Hour one, hour two.

The trial of Ameer Taylor, accused of killing Samuel Richardson June 2 of 2005 behind the Rendez-Vous is scheduled begin Monday. The trial's start date has been postponed three times. The word from the office of Mrs. J:
The murder trial of Ameer Taylor, 32, of the 7400 block of Barkers Court, is scheduled for trial 9:30A a.m. Monday, March 5, 2007 before Judge David Ross, 203 Mitchell Courthouse ... A Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Taylor February 15, 2006 for first-degree murder, use of a handgun in the commission of a felony crime of violence, and handgun on person in connection with the fatal shooting of Samuel Richardson. Court documents allege that in the early morning hours of June 2, 2005 Taylor pulled up to Richardson, who was walking in the 400 block of West 26th Street, pulled a handgun and shot Richardson several times. Richardson was transported to Johns Hopkins Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
As if your girl-crush wasn't already heavy, ♥Jayne Miller♥ digs into the clusterfuck that is the bail-bonds business, and hounded the guy who posted bail for Brandon Grimes down Calvert Street.

What the?! Twenty-year-old dad Kenneth George Ryan huffed keyboard cleaner (?!), beat his 15-month-old-son Julian Woody to death.

Sign of the times: WBAL reported that three people were shot at a birthday party on the East side... and in spite of the crime scene tape, the party kept on.

Again?! Another officer has was attacked at Jessup, and the suspect is a 38-year-old convicted murderer serving a life sentence.

In the Eastern, a man shot two guys sitting in a parked car.

The man found dead in the area of Max Blobs Park Road in Jessup was ID'd as Leonard Richard Prahl, 55.

"A trooper found $300,000 in powder cocaine in a minivan with New York license plates on Interstate 95 in Cecil County during a traffic stop."


  1. Are you kidding ?

    This is Bal'more, Hon.

    Efficiency ? Them's fightin' words 'round here.

  2. The Mark Steiner show on WYPR yesterday had cops and criminals on to discuss why people live a life of crime.

    A retired undercover cop said the criminals in Baltimore reject the typical 9-5 society and think people are chumps for buying into that mentality. He basically said the criminal lifestyle is abhorrent to civilized society so in turn the criminal elements reject “normal” lifestyles and society, creating their own criminal world.

    The ex-cons (and sex offenders) said that employers judge them by the way they talk, dress and act and that corporate America needs to understand and be sensitive to the culture of inner city life. They also unanimously agreed that even if you have a 9-5 job you have to "go back to the street" to have your "hustle" which is basically the black market fueled by crime.

    I couldn't get through to the station to put in my two cents. But it goes like this. People and employers judge people all the time. They don't need to be sensitive to inner-city life and the necessity of "the hustle." The people that think the 9-5 lifestyle is for chumps need to simply get with the program, get off the street and realize that their world IS foreign to the rest of society.

    Stop rejecting education, stop rejecting a normal job, stop rejecting grammar, and stop rejecting the job's uniform, start rejecting the street, the hustle, the 10pm-4am lifestyle. And realize that the rest of the world is moving on without you, and will not be sensitive to your unfortunate situation.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dopple, I couldn't agree more with what you said. If I go to a job interview in ratty clothes you can bet your ass that no employer would be "sensitive" to me, so I fail to see why criminals think they deserve special treatment.

  5. You see, the hoodies think of their hustle 'lifestyle' as a choice.

    The primary reason Baltimore is the disaster it is, is that public officials here have bought into the notion that it is a valid option.

    People in that lifestyle are largely permitted here. And oh, so many excuses are made for them:

    Well, he didn't have a good education..

    Well, he had a lousy home life..

    Well, he's just being judged by 'the Man'

    Well, he's a byproduct of his environment..


    When I was a kid in a small suburban town, I had a lot of choices to make. Some, which we call criminal, had absolutely unacceptable consequences. I knew I didn't want to live in prison, so I didn't go there.

    What they need is a clear message: embrace that 'lifestyle' and we will be all over you like white on rice.

    You WILL be monitored, you WILL be caught, you WILL be tried for maximum penalties, and you WILL be miserable in prison for a long, long time.

    Now, let's see which lifestyle you choose.

    But notice, there's no room there for compassion or discretion on the part of the cops, the prosecutors, the judges, or the correctional system.

    The minute the message becomes ' you MIGHT,.. you COULD, or you probably won't REALLY (after time off for good behavior, etc.)... ', the lifestyle becomes a logical choice and the deterrent becomes pretty meaningless.

    What's needed, my dears, is a good swift kick in the ass. And, yes, Dan Rodricks, that's the very best way to help them beat the odds.

  6. That recepton court thing... basically i guess that's new starting Monday. From experience you get a courtroom which you get assigned when your postponed then you come back to find out that that courtroom or judge is busy and then have to have your attorney or the SA go to admin court to fight for a courtroom. This is what I went through friday. We went to admin court to get a courtroom and finally for once we did. I was told our trial was starting Monday and I heard the judge say it... if it doesn't I think they are gonna put me in contempt of court because I may just lose my frickin mind!

  7. Another CO was stabbed at Jessup. The Sun says that he's in serious condition at Shock Trauma.

  8. According to WBAL the CO is stable, and the inmate who stabbed him was serving a life sentence for murder. A fine example of why we shouldn't abolish the death penalty.

  9. David - you are an idiot
    Sis - this is to relieve your problems

    With the crime in our fair city, the courts are overwhelmed. After talking with a valiant member of our SA office, the Reception Court will help the judges actually hear cases. The purpose of reception court is to alleviate all the postponements, et.el. motions that take up the judges' time. The idea is that only one judge will deal with the problems while the other judges will be actually able to hear cases. As it is now, they all spend the morning session hearing 50+ motions to delay or go forward and only after that hear the cases that are ready to go (both prosecution and defense). Deriding our over burdened "justice system" for trying to streamline the system is very self serving and does nothing to help the system help us, "citizens" with a justice system that works.

  10. Thanks for the WYPR link, Dopple,
    And thanks Hoodlum, for the reminder of the days of 9th grade anti-drug class, where they simultaneously teach you how to get high in ways you never imagined (our teacher used the word "tea" for pot, very 50's, which led to my friend S.Z. and I burning off our eyebrows trying to smoke Earl Grey in rolling papers), and spin so many outrageous lies about the alleged dangers of everything that would cause any thinking student would conclude that adults can't be trusted to tell the truth.

    Did you hear the one about the girl who dropped acid and had a 'bad trip' she never woke up from? The boy who smoked pot and grew breasts?

    Wonder how many teenagers have tried "dusting" since that story broke?!

  11. I thought I'd share a neat site I found when I dug deep into a search engine the other day. This is good when you really start looking around. A hidden gem really. But I digress.. here - golf school
