Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 20

A man's body was found in a house in the 2900 block of E. Madison Ave. on Saturday afternoon. Missing Cumberland resident Candice Annette Page was found, alive, at the same time with a gunshot wound to the back of her head. (Thanks for the link, Chris.)

The body of 31-year-old Chontae Waters was found in her Putnam Green rowhouse on Heatherton Ct. Waters was stabbed to death and was found by her roommate. (Putnam Green is in Baltimore County, near Woodlawn.)

Timothy Brockington and Tyrone Gross were sentenced to 45 years for kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery. Their victim was an off-duty BPD officer. Gross is a three-time felon, so he must serve the first 25 years without the possibility of parole.
On July 5, 2005 at approximately 1:30AM off duty Baltimore Police Officer Antoine Boykin was at the Exxon gas station at 513 E. Mulberry Street when a burgundy Lincoln with three males inside pulled up next to him. One of the defendants, who was armed with a handgun, got out of the Lincoln and approached Officer Boykin. Officer Boykin was forced into the defendant’s vehicle at gunpoint. An unknown person exited the defendant’s vehicle and took Officer Boykin’s car from the gas station. Once inside the Lincoln, Officer Boykin was robbed at gunpoint and was struck in the head several times with the gun. The defendants drove Officer Boykin to the 1100 block of Myrtle Avenue where he was blindfolded and walked at gunpoint down the rear alley. The defendants had a conversation indicating that they planned to stash Officer Boykin inside of a vacant house at which time they walked into the yard of 1123 Myrtle Avenue and up the stairs. Officer Boykin was able to withdraw his service weapon, fire at the defendants and get away. Officer Boykin flagged an unknown citizen and was able to call 911. Timothy Brockington was located in the rear yard of 1123 Myrtle Avenue with gunshot wounds; Tyrone Gross was located in the front yard with a gunshot wound.

After pleading guilty to 2nd degree murder on March 8, Larry McMillian was sentenced to 25 years yesterday afternoon:
On May 25, 2006 following a neighborhood dispute McMillian shot Ruffin twice, once to the head and once to the leg. The incident occurred in the alley behind Mr. Ruffin’s home in the 2000 block of Woodbourne Avenue.

Roger Burks was indicted yesterday for first-degree murder. Burks is accused of stabbing Irvin Conley to death at a backyard cookout on July 3, 2006.

A badly decomposed body was found in Leakin Park.

Baltimore County Councilman Vincent Gardina wants an investigation of the taser-related death of Ryan Lee Meyers.

Sheila D. is going to have "frank discussions" about our rising murder rate. In an exciting development, there will be meetings to discuss the problem. In the first of four "emergency meetings," the people said they want more foot patrols.

It appears that Her Honor is starting to see the outrage she so strongly desires.

House of Correction: "It's as bad as you could imagine."

Scary pervs of the day: A man tried to grab a 16-year-old HoCo high school student and drag her into the woods. And in Carroll County, 34-year-old Lincoln Goodman Sr. was charged with picking up two teenage girls, getting them drunk, waiting for one of them to pass out, and then having his way with her.

Beware of DPW workers who show up unannounced.

There's a statewide struggle to retain and recruit school teachers. The article fails to mention anything about teachers who leave because they're getting beaten up, nor does it address whether student-on-teacher violence is a problem outside of Baltimore City.


  1. Here's some close to home news regarding Leakin Park...

    First off, my first apartment here was behind it , that park is huge and when i found out that was leakin park in the not far away enough distance it made me wonder...

    also, a close friend of mine whose lived here all her life , her Uncle was found decapitated many years ago in Leakin park, i believe the early 80's

    Baltimore definetely is too small. I found out a good friend of mine had the guy who killed my brother as a boarder years before we knew him. not to mention his child's mother lives exactly 2 blocks away from me.

    This city is too small! Too close for comfort

    I guess the six degrees of sepearation theory is true.

  2. I completely sympathize with the outrage over the treatment of the 7 yr old kid, but am a bit curious why the community ALSO isn't up in arms demanding Hamm's firing as head of a department that sees almost 300 people killed every year again and again!

  3. "Whether is in the park, or the closet of a boarded up building"

    I've always wondered whether the hiding bodies in abandoned rowhouses trick from season 4 of The Wire had been used in real life.

  4. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 3 bodies in the past 2 years that were found in abandoned rowhouses. What I don't know, however, is whether the bodies were hidden there or if the victims were doing something in the houses when they were killed.

  5. another logical extension of the "one murder so far" comment is a murder that happened on saturday on the east side and has been reported by the cumberland times-news but not the sun!

  6. you can download it pretty easily. there are like a million torrents of it.

  7. allegany county, cumberland city.

  8. I can barely keep the city straight, I'm lost when I get into the outlying counties. Thanks for the correction and the link.

  9. "Timothy Brockington and Tyrone Gross were sentenced to 45 years for kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery. Their victim was an off-duty BPD officer. Gross is a three-time felon, so he must serve the first 25 years without the possibility of parole."

    I'm sorry, but that's bulls**t. If you have multiple felony convictions and then go off and carjack someone you should get life without parole. This piece of crap has shown that even given a second or third chanec he can't clean up his act. Lock him up and throw away the key.

  10. Holy crap, I grew up in the Cumberland area. I would not have thought to check the Times/News for any Baltimore stories.

    Also, did anyone notice that Timothy Brockington and Tyrone Gross weren't charged with attempted 1st degree murder? Maybe the DA knew that they would have gotten a lighter sentence if they went with the murder route.

  11. Wow this city is small, that carjacking case is the one i heard the end of while waiting for Ameer Taylor's trial to start for my brother's killing. Karma is good because what isn't mentioned in the story is one of the carjackers that was shot is paralyzed, he was in a wheelchair in court. I normally wouldn't like something like that but he got karma like mofo in this case.

  12. well, i originally saw a condensed version of that story on the fox45 website, so i figured that the local cumberland paper would have a more detailed article.

    also, from what i've read, it seems that those guys did not, in fact, attempt to murder the cop. maybe they were intending to attempt to murder him, but he shot them before they could get around to the attempting.

  13. The body count went up again. A teenager by-stander of one of last weeks shooting spee as died


    He name was Christopher Clark, 18, a honors physics student.

  14. Gor - they were both charged with Attempted Murder just not convicted.

  15. gor, that kid died that day, that's not news.

  16. i don't think i saw it reported anywhere before what an awesome person he was though. what a waste.

  17. WJZ reports that the police are fishing a body out of the water at the Inner Harbor.

  18. I'm not calling for Hamm's resignation because he is only an officer of the law. He uses the methods at his disposal to do his job. it would appear that we have a policy issue more so than a personnel issue. Perhaps, someone should suggest smart people who have programs or ideas that he can take into consideration instead of making it seem like he is the cause of our city's problems.

    Commission Hamm is no doubt a highly qulaified and decorated police officer and city resident (most of the high level city officials don't even live in the city). Unlike many of the other commishes we've had over the years....he is local, vested and he has seen many of our issues develop and therefore will prolly be in a better position to come up with new strategies from a historical context.

    I could see if folk gave him a year to make a difference or if there was an establisghed checks and balance system for our city officials....but there is not....so since there isn't....maybe folk aught to spend more time fighting for something like that rather than the day in and day out dogging of people trying to do their jobs.

    Many of today's problems were there when Ed Norris (just an example) was stil in office....yet I don't remember ppl calling for his firing....I don't see any backlash regarding his inability to make a difference either....oh how soon we forget.....why does everyone hate Hamm?

    The problems we have NOW..... were there when O-Foully (as one of my friend's call him...LOL!)was in Office too...yet once again we want to make out problems out to be something Sheila Dixon is either not addressing or plain not competant enough to address and that is plain wrong!!! no one knows what either of these ppl go through on a daily basis. I truly do not believe their inability to make a real sustainable difference is a lack of concern. <----that calls for a firing!!!

  19. Lenny Hamm's been here a long time. He just hasn't lifted a finger to hire personnel, without which he cannot accomplish anything.

    And C, who hasn't criticized the O'M ? I've called him about every name in the book. BTW, the man who said he wasn't leaving us behind for the Governor's mansion is now selling his home in Baltimore.

    If Hamm's so deserving of faith, how much you wanna bet we haven't hired any cops since this time last year, or the year before ?

    That, after all, is what it's about.
