Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26

In Port Deposit, Brian Jordan stabbed his girlfriend to death and tried to do the same to himself.

Timothy P. Mussleman was shot to death in Elkton after withdrawing several hundred dollars from an ATM.

The mother of the 7-year-old dirtbike arrestee has one version of the events that led to her arrest, the police have another, and neither sounds particularly credible. Meanwhile, Doc Cheatham seems to be calling for war.

Someone robbed the GameStop in Pikesville.

A 14- or 15-year-old kid tried to rape a woman behind an abandoned house in the Western, and an employee of Beauty Zone was maced by someone who wanted to steal some human hair.

Hondas and Acuras are the most-stolen cars in HoCo.


  1. UB law should offer Gerard Mungo Jr. a scholarship if he can graduate with a decent GPA-- win-win!

  2. I see he is in the Eastern. I wonder what school he goes to? They should send the officers to his second-grade class to talk about how sometimes adults make mistakes.

    That's one thing missing from that story-- what was the officers' motive to arrest him? Is there an ongoing dispute with the boy or his family? Was it a case of mistaken identity? Did he flip them off? What did I miss?

  3. dude was killed in rising sun, not elkton. the murderer is just "from" elkton (quotes are because the sun says he's from there while the cecil whig says he has no fixed address but is known to frequent the elkton area, as well as the chester, PA area. the sun also says it's cecil co's 4th murder, whereas the whig and my spreadsheet say it's the 3rd).

  4. oh, and the sun and the whig also spell mussleman/musselman differently. i'm more inclined to believe the more local paper in this instance.

  5. Now that you've brought up official misinformation, I've posted today a useful link on my revivified blog to a BBC piece on the inconvenient truth about An Inconvenient Truth. It has nothing to do with BaltoCrime, but some of the other material certainly does.

  6. quadruple murder/suicide today in frederick. all of the victims children. :( :( :(

  7. I am so pissed I missed Ed Norris! When are they going to get with the podcasts?

  8. Those mini-dirtbikes are a dangerous menace, mostly to the kid riding them... the police were right to have taken it (and at the end of the year they should have a minibike parade). Any parent that would send a seven-year-old out on a city street with one is unscrewed somehow.
    But seven-year-old criminals in training. It's just like what the Klan would have said back-in-the-day!

    Speaking of racism, has anyone out there ever heard of "kake walks"? This is some crazy shit white college students would do -- put on blackface and have a dance contest! (I learned that in some James Loewen book--- Sundown Towns maybe?)

  9. Here's a baltimore history question: In the 30's and 40's, blacks were only allowed to live in three neighborhoods in the city.

    What neighborhoods were they?
