Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27

Two 16-year-old boys have been indicted for the March 13 killing of 17-year-old Steven Washington.
State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy announced that the Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Tevin Moultrie, 16, of the 1600 block of Cliftview Avenue and Maurice Wilkerson, 16, of the 400 block of E. Oliver Street for first-degreee murder and other counts.

Court documents allege that on March 13, 2007 Steven Washington, 17, was found lying on the sidewalk in the 1600 block of Cliftview Avenue suffering from a gunshot wound to the head following an altercation with the defendants. Police identified the two suspects through witnesses. Washington died as a result of his injuries.

On Sunday afternoon, the body of an unidentified woman was found in a townhouse on the 1200 block of Treeleaf Ct. near Old Town Mall. She died from head injuries.

A 28-year-old Frederick man apparently committed suicide after murdering his four children. The children's mother, 25-year-old Daysi Benitez, has been missing for more than a week.

Monsignor Richard Smith's ability to function as a priest was removed by the Baltimore Archdiocese after two women accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior that occurred in the late 1960s.

A woman on Eutaw St. ran over a fireman who asked her to move her car away from the fire station's doors.

Kevin Klink, charged with beating 18-year-old Robert Brazell to death with a bat, has waived a preliminary hearing.

Daryl Chase pleaded guilty to the 2004 murder of Michael Deal and was sentenced to 30 years. Meanwhile, Terrance Wynn got 83 years for a 2004 home-invasion robbery.

Jack Schroeder is charged with killing his HoCo neighbor's beagle.

The bill that would allow parole for non-violent, twice-convicted dealers was surprisingly passed by the House yesterday.


  1. Did anyone catch "Doc" Cheatham on the Ed Norris show today? I missed out unfortunately, but I heard that he made quite an ass of himself.

  2. oh no, I missed it! I'll bet it was juicy!

  3. Yes, the House bill to suspend the ineligibility of repeat dealers for parole was sponsored by Curt Anderson, of my district, and endorsed by Maggie McIntosh, also of my district.

    This is a pro-crime bill. It provides no additional treatment resources and lets drug entrepreneurs out onto the streets, my street in particular.

    If your delegate voted this bill in, vote them out. It is time to publicize the pro-crime individual voting records of the Baltimore City delegation.

    They will try to convince you that this is about giving a third chance to deserving candidates, but the parole board just bounces anyone it can back onto the streets without a mandatory minimum to prevent it. The recidivism rate for Baltimore users is tremendous. Just imagine what the rate is for 3rd-time offenders?

  4. Gotcha!! Serial bankrobber nabbed after incident this a.m. at the Carrollton Bank downtown branch.

  5. Ugh, Anderson & McIntosh are "my" delegates as well. The only problem is who the hell do I vote for? The Green Party candidates? They don't seem like they'll be very tough on crime. Ugh, I'm a lifelong Democrat who's wishing that there were strong Republican candidates in my district. What a sad state of affairs.

  6. There was a demonstration this evening as I drove by police headquarters. All I could see was a sign that asked, "When did dirt bikes become weapons of mass destruction?"

  7. Were there more protesters at that moronic demonstration then the one on the murder of Christopher Clark?

  8. Sheila Dixon tried to explain away the police misconduct, while neither taking responsibility nor proposing to change anything in particular. She said "We need to get these officers out into the community."

    Um, they were in the community. They falsely arrested people. Hey, Sheila, ... we need to get these officers far, far away from the community. You need real cops. Good cops. Not your cops. Oh, and that rather SPECIFICALLY includes Lenny Hamm.

  9. In any other world, a woman running over a firefighter would be leading news.

  10. The police are only as good as it's leadership. Police Officers will only behave as they are allowed to. If they have a strong honest mayor and commissioner than they will be good officers. If they have a weak, dishonest mayor and commissioner than they will be ineffective. The blame for systemic police problems rest squarely on shoulders of Mayor Dixon and the commissar.

  11. The Examiner notes that Curt Anderson's Let-'Em-Loose parole bill is not so about good policy as it is about being easy on drug dealers because they're primarily black. "“The whites have the ability to get off drugs,” Anderson said. “They have the means.” Drug dealing. It's a black thing. ???

    Meanwhile, attendees at the NAACP meeting last night wanted to know why a black Mayor and Top Cop don't 'look out for their people'. Madame Mayor didn't respond, citing her 20 year record of doing.... what ???

    The rather large population of law-abiding blacks really needs to disown this kind of thinking, which associates blackness with career criminality.

  12. On my drive in to work today I heard on the radio that Martin O'Malley made a comment about treating pollution of the Chesapeake "like street crime." The Bay is screwed.
