Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28

Two people were killed in the city yesterday. In East Baltimore, a 17-year-old boy was shot in the head in the 2200 block of E. Biddle St. last night at about 10:30. In West Baltimore, 18-year-old Artesha Moses was stabbed to death by her boyfriend in her home on the 700 block of N. Carey St.

Anna Ditkoff reports on three new murders, and the fact that we've only had three four-day stretches without a murder in 2007. This week, there is information published about Charles Hargrove, Ricardo Paige, and Shawn Weaver, along with updates of several murder cases from the past few years.

Deysi Benitez is still missing, and there's no conclusive cause of death for her husband and four children. In the past year, police were called to the home of Pedro Rodriguez and Deysi eight times.

A pregnant woman was shot at a motel in Odenton when two men fired through the motel room door after failing to pry it open.

Yesterday afternoon, a 15-year-old at Woodlawn High School allegedly stabbed a fellow student outside a library next to the campus.

A bank robbery in Severna Park (AAC) went horribly awry this morning, leaving a cop wounded and the robber dead. (WBAL has some audio files from the scene.)

A fast food robbery in Glen Burnie went horribly awry yesterday morning after a man walked out of the restroom and got shot in the face.

Sheila D. is definitely getting some outrage. And it looks like some dirt bikers are preparing for a revolution of their own.

Perv of the day: Child's gymnastic coach Patrick Bogan was busted with "violent and aggressive" child porn and 21 pairs of panties.

An alleged bank robber in Baltimore was arrested under the JFX on Tuesday after the Carrollton Bank on N. Charles St. was robbed. Police suspect the man is responsible for nearly half of the city's bank robberies in 2007.

A Senate bill that would allow for automatic cleaning of criminal records when someone is arrested but not charged is being challenged for how it would affect people's rights to sue police.

There is lots of debate as to how the owners of Kawasaki Japanese restaurants should be sentenced for their crimes against their illegal staff.


  1. Dels. Anderson and McIntosh should be bitch-slapped on sight by every mother in Northern Baltimore.

    What's next, an affirmative action discount coupon for ammunition used by inexperienced young black males in the conduct of drug-dealing? I mean, hey, their aim is poor. They can't afford the expense of all those missed shots, like the more priveleged white hoodlums can. Sounds like Curt Anderson's next great idea.

  2. Hey, I think I saw some dirtbike cops on Charles Street in South Baltimore. Either that or they were on really little motorcycles.

  3. I have a feeling that all of this BS of the community "outrage" is going to hurt the city deeply. With all of this crap on the news (so-called racist officers, increasing murders, virtually untouchable criminals) who with any sense at all would want to live or work here?

    I see the city quickly sliding down into more poverty and underachievement. Of course, when the "outraged" residents finally do notice they will not blame themselves for their own self-inflicted problems, but on "the man" holding them down.

  4. Huh? The outrage is very real, Gor. And very overdue.

    This police department is about the worst I've ever seen it in 25 years, and that really says something.

    This city's f#@ked up, Big Time.
    Dixon and Hamm should have their U.S. citizenship revoked and be deported for municipal terrorism.

    We're over in Iraq insisting on maintaining the Rule of Law and constitutionally-protected civil rights, and those things can't be found in the first large city across the Patuxent from our nation's capitol ??

    Time to declare the city of Baltimore, its government, and unsupervised home-rule by its population a failure and a national disgrace, and suspend them all in deference to a supervisory receivership or provisional government by a more responsible higher-level governing body, such as the state of Maryland or possibly a coalition of surrounding impacted counties.

    As for the fundamentally nonviable citizenry of Baltimore, somehow they either need to be dispersed into a more functional larger population or have their electoral discretion subjected to a reasonableness test. The idiocy is a threat to local, if not national, homeland security.

  5. "... in deference to a supervisory receivership or provisional government by a more responsible higher-level governing body, such as the state of Maryland ..."

    Galt, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're longing for the good ol' days of Daddy O'Malley.

  6. Galt, I acutally agree with what you say, but police actions are a direct reflection of their leadership. I believe attacking the police is counter-productive and the citizens are "cutting off their nose to spite their face". The people need to blame the Mayor, the commissioner, the drug-dealers, the rapist, the gang-bangers and blame the murderers, but when the people blame the police officers who are stuck between an ineffective city government and the criminals isn't going to solve the real problems.

  7. Chuck, please understand that my issue with the O'M was impersonal and entirely analytic. Like Sheila E. (oh yeah, that was the 80's drummer who played with Prince), or Sheila D., or even Sheila C., he was another lousy local politician who had no idea how to oversee an effective police force. In spite of his local police background, Lenny Hamm is about the same. The fact that the O'M is now (incredibly, like Schwartzenegger or wrestler/Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura) a governor shouldn't influence my sense of the State's appropriate function, even if I am pining for a change in leadership in Annapolis which won't happen till Hades freezes over.

    Gor, I agree that it would be better to tar & feather Lenny Hamm, rather than his patrol officers. This is first and foremost his fault for not hiring enough cops and for not adequately policing their conduct, but in all fairness to abused citizens, when the police administration blows off official misconduct, a citizen is certainly not obligated to take civil rights abuses lying down.

    What I'd really like to see is for citizens and police to agree that 1) there is a big problem and 2) that far from being intentional and willful, the abuses are the consequence of inadequate (rather than excessive) provision of police resources. We could then agree that most of black Baltimore does NOT embrace criminality and that hoodlums are everyone's enemy, not just the white man's. And finally, we could agree that police in a black neighborhood are not in hostile territory and cannot go on duty with a seige mentality. Then, we could agree that supplying many more (good) officers is the FIRST priority of any administration that doesn't expect to be thrown out immediately by mainstream voters of all racial background.

    I'm soooo sick and tired of living in a city where the majority vote is the Pro-Crime (or crime-tolerant) Party. Such a place is elsewhere known as a terrorist cell, and all associated governments including Washington have an obligation to disable a fundamentally Pro-Crime government.

    Reasonable people may disagree about what principles should form the law statewide, but our Baltimore politicians anticipate and facilitate violating those laws once they are passed. It seems to me that we decided back in the 50's & 60's that local politicians don't get to de-legislate general laws and that federal troops are properly deployed to ensure individuals the enjoyment of the same protections others elsewhere in a jurisdiction would enjoy.

    Doc Cheatham, civil rights are NOT a black thing; they're a universal thing. And since when is NAACP only out to benefit 'our' people ?? This is why NAACP is no longer well-regarded.

  8. If any town needs a convergence of religious leadership, it's Baltimore!
    ("Black leader calls for Baltimore boycott".)

    The pastors should come here and vow to not spend any money during the trip, and bunk with the flock!
