Wednesday, March 7, 2007

March 7

sam richardsonA Baltimore jury convicted Ameer Taylor, 32, of the 7400 block of Barkers Court, today of first degree murder and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence. Judge David Ross sentenced Taylor to life in prison for the murder and a consecutive 20 years for the handgun count. On June 2, 2005 at approximately 2:30 a.m. Samuel David Richardson (right) and his girlfriend were walking home from their jobs at the Rendez-Vous Bar on 26th street. As they walked along the 400 block of West 26th Street Taylor drove past them, stopped his car, backed up to them, said something to Richardson and fired two fatal shots, striking him twice in the head.
The conviction is surely a relief to Liz and the Richardson family.

Murder Ink recounts last week's victims Vernon Carter, Vic Finner, Thomas Terry [our 48], and Anthony Brown, notes arrests for muders of David Savage, Stephanie Stevens, Harold Robinson and Marcus McDowell.

Bodyguards for teachers?
An Art teacher at Waverly middle school was assaulted by students and quit in fear for her safety, now the state is seeking to suspend her certification for breaking her contract.

The Justice Department acknowledged yesterday that Thomas DiBiagio was forced from office, but an employee says it was the "front-page indictment" memo that did in his career.

"The governor, attorney general, state's attorneys, police chiefs and three-quarters of the House of Delegates all are gung-ho to pass legislation expanding the ability to prosecute" alleged gang members for "participating in a criminal gang knowing that the other members engage in crime" but the definition of "gang" sounds awfully vague: "to be a gang, it must have some kind of identifying sign, symbol, name, leader or purpose."
So if call up your friends and plan to meet them somewhere to do something, you're a gang.

Edgy new billboards invoke Itchy Man.


  1. that teacher is a friend of a friend. crazy shit.

  2. That anti-gang law will just be used to quash dissident groups through fear and intimidation. Regular gang activity will continue as usual as gang members have long realized that BCPD are dumb, lazy, and as eddie norris shows, corrupt.

  3. Ed Norris was not corrupt. The accusations against him were extremely weak, and he only pled guilty because he was threatened with 20 years in prison over a BS mortgage fraud charge. Try reading about the case a little bit before you accuse him of being corrupt.

  4. I'm glad to see that Ameer Taylor was convicted. Is his life sentence a real one, or is it pseudo-life that leaves him eligible for parole in ten years?

  5. YES it is life... life plus 0years consecutively

    I got to stan up an give my impact statement to the juge although I on't remember everything I sai i was a bit emotional.

    Now I feel relief.... I will be writing a long blog entry probably tomorrow or late tonight... but I'm off to finish celebrating

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "So in other words ppatin, Ed broke the law, and had the screws put to him to ring out a confession?"

    I broke the law by speeding this morning. Should I be threatened with 20 years in prison? Do you know what they actually nailed Ed Norris for? He received a few thousand bucks from his father to buy a home, and a few years later he ended up repaying the money. Because of that they charged him with mortgage fraud (at the time he said the money was a gift rather than a loan) and threatened him with two decades in the slammer. Am I the only one who fails to see the problem with that?

  8. "The Cybrarian got life. Wonder what her new nickname is?"


  9. Norris is no innocent victim.

    Sure, I think he has proven him self to be a good talk show host, but that it.

    SORRY!!! I read the facts in the case. Weak...USUALLY not punishable, but still unlawful.

    If you are gonna come down on criminals come down on them all.

    And congrats to Sam's fam! I am sure the verdict is a tremendous relief.

  10. Ameer Taylor may have been sentenced to life in prison in 2007, but as of 2021 he has somehow already been released. It does not seem right that a convicted murderer who was sentenced to life in prison would be released about serving far less than 20 years in prison.
