Thursday, March 1, 2007

A shooting at the Yellow Bowl, Eastern District, February 18, 1989.


  1. 'The average person has no idea what really goes on out here [Greenmount].' - Office John Smith

    Amen to that.

    FYI, Smith was later injured in the notorious Summer 1997 crash of the Foxtrot 'copter further up here in the Northern by the Alameda which ended the airborne unit until Biemiller took it over. John retired disabled a few years later.

  2. Dan Rodricks was blathering idiotically as usual. His latest column was about people "beating the odds," as if not breaking the law was somehow akin to fighting cancer.

    "In June 2005, I spoke to a 21-year-old ex-offender who seemed to have a lot of promise and a supportive family. The young man wanted to work but could not find a job.

    Apparently, he could not resist the street, and the last time I saw his name listed somewhere, it was as a suspect in a homicide. "

    Ok Dan, this guy didn't fail to "beat the odds." He murdered someone. You don't just wake up one morning and discover that "oh shit, I committed a murder, damn I'm unlucky."

  3. Man, remember when cops looked like cops instead of Special Forces commandos?

    And nice kicks on the guy in red!

  4. patin,

    Thank you. When I read his column, I thought it was just me.

  5. "Man, remember when cops looked like cops instead of Special Forces commandos?"

    It would be nice if most of our cops were fit enough to be commandos...

  6. My friends family now owns the Yellow Bowl, they recently purchased it.

    Oh and some good news.... WE GOT A FREAKIN COURTROOM!!!!!!!!!

    Monday Warren brown will start his shenanigans... oh wait he already started those.

    Finally a courtroom, I'm so happy i coulda peed my pants!

  7. I remember this as if it was yesterday. RiP Glenn. Waking up out of the blue and calling your sister to find out about this. Man, Lamont really took this hard.

  8. What was Glenn's last name? Just curious.

  9. Starting in 1980 on forward the united states has become / id becoming the communist united states of the Soviet republic the police became /are becoming the communist KGB ... Starting in 1980 on forward Laurel md , PG county md , howard county md &, AA countr md became and still is north Korea style communist regimes
