Thursday, April 19, 2007


The Public Defender's Innocence Project has taken over the case of Sgt. James Kulbicki, who has been in jail for 14 years for the murder of his babymom.

Kenneth Mahai, 28, of the 2800 block of Galuline Way was indicted on first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege on October 25, 2005, Jermaine Morrison, 24, was found with multiple stab wounds in the 1700 block of Malvern Street. The defendant was identified [by someone?] through photo arrays. Morrison died as a result of his injuries at Hopkins Bayview Hospital. An arraignment is scheduled for May 9, 2007 before Judge Martin P. Welch, Room 228, Courthouse East.

Alusine KamaraThe Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Michael Ellerbe, 24, of the 2500 block of Marbourne Avenue, on first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege on February 11, 2007, a triple shooting occurred in the 1800 block of West Baltimore Street. The first victim, Alusine Kamara, at left, was fatally shot and was the 33rd murder victim recorded in the city so far this year.

mungobywbalPolice have issued a report about the arrest of Gerard Mungo Jr., age 7. But according to the link there at WBAL, it's only one page long. Says the page, among other things, "The issue in this matter is not whether the arrest itself was legal in the eyes of the law. Operating a dirt bike in Baltimore City is illegal pursuant to Baltimore's Public Local Law, and arresting juveniles seven years old and older is authorized by State law." ... wasn't the point that Mungo was sitting on and not operating said bike?

Dropping by North County High School in drag to visit Sierra Monet Anderson was a bad move for attempted-murder and kidnapping suspect Antonio Moore, who was arrested today on Holbrook Street.

Yes indeed, A $12K raise (8 percent) for Hamm.

Yet another (alleged) attempted insurance-company-grifting cop in the city! Michael Nelson and his wife Tierra are charged with faking a car theft and accident. It says a warrant has been issued, which must mean he's at large. Never ef with an insurance company!

WTF?! A Gaithersburg man, Larry D. Moore, called his child's elementary school and made threats involving VA Tech after being told the school wouldn't keep his kid indoors for recess.

cokeCustoms agents have seized 300 pounds of cocaine from the ship Alianca Shanghai, which "which originate in Ecuador and was on its way to New York."

Not Baltimore, but surely a national lowpoint in child custody... Alec Baldwin leaves a fucktified message for his ten-year-old daughter Ireland at his ex Kim's house, calling her a "little pig." We know some of you hate it when tabloid news gets passed along here. But imagine someone who's kind-of-famous saying these things knowing someone could tape it... what must happen in private to the not famous?!


  1. From the Sun's article about the cocaine seizure:

    "This cocaine seizure reflects the effectiveness of our officers to detect narcotics in the containerized cargo environment,"

    Ah ha ha ha, oh man, what'll they say next, this is a sign that we're "winning the war on drugs"?

  2. We should have the insurance companies police the streets of Baltimore. They would definitely be more effective than what we have now.

  3. Well, in a sense, that's already happening. When you experience a B&E in Baltimore, the responding officer will ask whether you intend to file a claim with your insurance carrier.

    a) If you say yes, he/she will write up the incident report.

    b) if you say 'no, i'll just repair the damage, so my premium doesn't rise.', the officer will frequently put away the blank incident report and tell you there's been no B&E, just some incidental vandalism.

    This has been independently reported over and over by victims and community reps in meetings with the district commanders, who insist it isn't happening, but encourage us to keep calling in anyhow.

    Let's take Lenny Hamm's new, 8% higher salary and pay it to the largest P&C insurer's head of criminal claims adjustment for the Mid-Atlantic region.

    I guess the raise was to reflect the 9% increase in robberies last year.

  4. And speaking of increased violence, the Messenger's crime log reports more stabbings on East 33rd Street, both by the Waverly Giant supermarket and at Johns Hopkins' Homewood campus.

    That's what happens when you have this many dedicated criminals within a couple of blocks. Need more cops in Northern's Sector 1, guys, but that won't happen soon because the whole department is short 1,000 officers, by the Commissioner's reckoning.

  5. your antonio moore link doesn't go anywhere.

  6. Good to see that even Hammbone is getting in on the raises. Talk about undeserved.

    Hey Cybrarian - I'm starting a new job at the Courthouse in a few weeks. We must do lunch!

  7. What do you classify as "winning the war on drugs?"

    Is it the total eradication of illegal drugs? If so, than that will never happen and the argument is invalid. If winning means that for law-abiding families has a decent chance to experience everday life without being surrounded by scum-bags dealing dope, than yes we are winning (at least were my family works and live).

    As much as I don't have any faith in the current city government, things could be a lot worse in a lot more communities.

  8. Ha! Not IN the courthouse, surely ...

  9. I'll be away on business until next Thursday though ... Charles is In Charge!
    What's good around the courthouse?

  10. Hey - I'll IM you about it Cy...

  11. I suppose I'd evaluate success in the war on drugs on two bases:

    1) How aggressively must one pursue drugs to get them? Do I have to meet someone on the docks, behind the warehouse in pitch black at 2:00 a.m. with messages passed by three couriers, or is it sold in front of me in broad daylight as I fetch my morning paper off the step?

    2) How much is the availability a function of 'whose neighborhood' one is in? It's not much of a success if only white kids in middleclass white neighborhoods don't have dealers inside their schools. This is a further measure of how far out of the mainstream an average person must be to have routine drug access.

    Now, the fact that most of adult Baltimore uses and that as many as 75% use heroin, rather than, say, pot, suggests pretty strongly that until we're incarcerating or very effectively treating our users out of operation, our leadership is not that serious about the 'war'.

    The other measure is: how persuasive are our sanctions? If you get 1 year less 5 mos. parole less time for good behavior less time served, are we really serious about anything at all ?

  12. Hey - didja see the info on the happy hour? Sent you an e-mail ...

  13. Thats NOT Alusine's Picture
