Saturday, April 14, 2007

Four-Legged Neighbors

bad dogchicken bonesIn the most recent poll, 35 percent of you said that it would be okay under some circumstances to poision a neighbor's obnxious dog to death!
Tough town!


  1. I believe your #78 has been named as Brent Flanagan.

  2. Yesterday, 11 year-old Travon Briscoe was shot in the arm in the crossfire of a shootout which took place in Sandtown-Winchester at McKean & Baker.

  3. Flanagan was 16 years old, and found multiply stabbed and beaten in the basement of the burned rowhome.

  4. I'd be okay with poisoning anyone who poisoned a dog.

  5. Baltimore City is looking for you to clean its parks. In the Fall, it asks you to paint its schools. And then the police ask you to citizen-patrol the streets.

    Given that we have one of the highest property tax rates in the U.S. and that we provide more budget per student than surrounding jurisdictions and provide more parkland per capita than any other large city in the U.S., uh,.... WTF ??

    If city officials want someone to do the job, they could look in the mirror. On the other hand, if we're going to be a volunteer-run city, the appropriate tax burden would be, like, really low, right ??
