Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 29

Annie Linskey explains how Joseph Ensey, who was shot in 1991 in passed last November, got added to '07's grim tally, though the shooter will never be charged.

News from the Left Coast:
Annals of Correction: California's pay-to-stay jails offer privacy and extra privileges for $70-$100 extra per night.
Still, the cells are "roughly the size of a custodial closet, and share its smell and ambience."

Web finds: the homicide blog of the LA Times, describled as "a weekly listing of all homicide victims reported by the Los Angeles County coroner, combined with updates every few days from law enforcement agencies of new homicides not yet listed" which "seeks to reverse an age-old paradox of big-city crime reporting, which dictates that only the most unusual and statistically marginal homicide cases receive press coverage, while those cases at the very eye of the storm -- those which best expose the true statistical dimensions of the problem of deadly violence -- remain hidden."


  1. hey john galt, did you buy cigarettes from the gas station on the corner of howard & 25th sometime saturday night?

  2. No, actually, I haven't been in those parts since I met Liz the night one of my friends was murdered. Just haven't been back in South Charles since.

  3. ok, i was behind a guy in line there that looked a lot like the picture in the examiner article that we all decided was you.
