Thursday, May 10, 2007

Driver Warning?

From a community listerv.
"At Tuesday's community meeting at the SW District Police Station, we received this warning:

Don't flash headlights at any car with no lights on!

Police officers working with the DARE program tell us that if you are driving after dark and see an on! -coming car with no headlights on, do not flash your lights at them! This is a common "Bloods" member "initiation game." The new gang member under initiation drives along with no headlights; the first car to flash their headlights at him is now his target." He is required to turn around, chase that car and than shoot to kill every individual in the vehicle in order to complete his initiation requirements. Their intent is to have all the new bloods nationwide drive around on Friday and Saturday nights with their headlights off. In order to be accepted into the gang, they have to shoot and kill individuals in the first auto that does a courtesy flash to warm them that their lights are off.

Make sure you share this information with all the drivers in your family!"

I know it's a legend, but the "Tuesday's community meeting at the SW District Police Station" made me wonder if the Bloods had heard the legend and decided it was a good idea... but yes, it is NOT TRUE.... when I called the Southwestern as soon as I said the word "headlights" (didn't even have to finish) the officer who answered the phone was like "no, it's not true, it's an urban legend, the Bloods don't do that and no one in the Southwestern ever said that."
So there you go.


  1. False.

  2. there's still a "DARE program?"

    also, i wonder how many accidents have occurred over the years that could have been prevented if someone had flashed their lights, but everyone was too scared because of this bullshit?

  3. oh also it turns out i'm actually really busy at work today so i don't think i can fill in. i kind of don't even want to anyway, last time i did it seemed too much like a chore for some reason. sorry. :(

  4. Good God. Please, people. Check snopes before post stupid crap like that.

  5. It is rather starting to feel like a chore ... for a lot of reasons. Don't blame you.

  6. Such is the price of fame.

  7. Another dead body at Club Mate:

    An off-duty city police officer working security at a South Baltimore night club fatally shot a man who had drawn a loaded gun at another officer working there early this morning, authorities said.

    Officer Troy Harris, a city police spokesman, said the incident unfolded about 1:45 a.m. outside Club Mate and Lounge, in the 3600 block of S. Hanover St. in the city's Brooklyn neighborhood.

    The man -- who has not been identified -- was ejected from the club for unspecified reasons before going to his car and retrieving a loaded handgun, Harris said. A bouncer spotted the man with the gun and alerted a plainclothes police sergeant, who was working as hired security at the club, Harris said.

    The police sergeant confronted the man and they tussled, Harris said. As the man drew his gun, a second police officer who had been working security inside the club came outside and saw the man pull the gun, Harris said. The officer shot the man several times, he said.

    Harris said police recovered a loaded handgun at the scene. Additional details were not available, Harris said.

    I walked by Club Mate the other day on my way back from an O's game. Seemed pretty sedate, but then it was around 11PM. There were several off-duty cops working in uniform.

  8. I'm still not flashing my headlights at people - you're too dumb to turn on your headlights at night, you deserve to get in a wreck and get sued.

  9. also, i want to open a place next door to club mate called "club yerba mate" that only serves organic teas and shit.

  10. Damn, the Baltimore Crime Blog is full of anger and disharmony today. Where's the love?

  11. I don't know how well that would do in Brooklyn. How about organic tea and bail bonds?

  12. hey, the lo-fi social club (art exhibits, noise music shows, etc) seems to be doing alright like two blocks from club mate. i still haven't been there yet, but i keep hearing about semi-interesting sounding events going on there.

  13. Ah hah! Thanks, burger!

    I've been seeing a lot of hipsters hanging around that warehouse and I was wondering what was going on.

  14. what? i just got mad at that one guy because he's too lazy and vindictive to do something that requires almost zero physical effort that might prevent the injury or death of someone on the grounds that he's a perfect human being and never ever forgets anything.

  15. well say that then, don't be name-calling!
    Let's all be proper ladies and gentlemen!

  16. "great attitude, asshole!"

    Yes I am an asshole, and my attitude towards my fellow Maryland drivers isn't very high. Between the red-light runners, the tailgaters, the reckless and drunk drivers, and the shitbags, I try not to waste too much time worrying about other people's driving habits except when they put my own life at risk.

    And, frankly, in the Hunt Valley area, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of rich-preppie-assshits read about this so-called "Bloods" initiation and decided to do something like it themselves.

    People who don't know how to drive safely -- up to and including turning on their headlights when it starts getting dark out (although don't most modern cars have day-time running lights?) -- deserve the consequences of their own stupidity.

  17. "And, frankly, in the Hunt Valley area, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of rich-preppie-assshits read about this so-called "Bloods" initiation and decided to do something like it themselves."

    i don't even understand what the hell this part means. is that where you live? hunt valley? because down here in the city we have these things called "street lights" which make it fairly bright out during the night time and have caused me to (a normally pretty safe driver) to forget to turn my headlights on a couple of times, that is until some kind soul flashed theirs at me. not everybody that forgets to turn on their headlights can be placed in the same category as "the red-light runners, the tailgaters, the reckless and drunk drivers, and the shitbags."

  18. How cool for you to live in downtown Baltimore. Up here in the country where we all play banjos and say "gee gosh golly" and have sex with our sisters, the people who don't turn on their headlights can absolutely be placed into the catagory of "reckless drivers" (because we don't have that many street lights, and even on brightly-lit stretches of, say, York Road it's still noticeably night).

  19. Do you get my point? It isn't my job or my responsibility to teach other people how to drive responsibly, and frankly, I'd rather not get killed become some asshole gets all road-ragey on me for high-beaming him or her.

  20. true, it's not your job, and true it's not your legal responsibility, but in my opinion it is your moral responsibility, particularly since, as i mentioned before, it takes effectively zero effort on your part. your only reasons for not wanting to do this, as i see it, are laziness, a superiority complex about your steel trap driver's mind, and baseless paranoia. your irrational fear of triggering lethal road rage in someone for trying to warn them about their lights is basically the same thing as believing the stupid bloods initiation myth. i defy you to find one single documented case of something like that happening. by the way you don't turn your high beams on and off at them, you turn your regular lights off and on.

  21. Burger: I can only signal through my headlights by flashing my highbeams. In my car, it is impossible to turn the headlights off while moving at night without first applying the parking brake, which, of course, would be far more dangerous.

    I don't know the quality of drivers in Baltimore City, but I know that there are a lot of folks around here who seem more than willing to run their fellow drivers off the road, and since I drive a tiny car, I'd rather not give them any such motivation to kill me.

    You're also right about something: I consider myself a far superior driver to the vast majority of people I encounter on the road.
