Friday, May 18, 2007


Maurice A. Johnson, 29, was shot to death in Randallstown.

Lawyers for the killer of correctional officer Jeffery A. Wroten plan to argue that the death penalty isn't legal because of MD's effed-up execution instructions.

What the?! Two Morgan State University students persuaded a friend to shoot them with a .38 "because they hoped to avoid pledging a fraternity this summer," even though they didn't have the GPA to pledge anyway. Huh? Wha? And it gets weirder: they're from out of state and "wanted to stay in Baltimore for the summer." (They must be from Camden!)

More than 12 years for PGC coke dealer Richard D. Briscoe, and RJR's got plenty of time for his gun-toting crack-dealing pals as well.

two pervsCounty police are ISO two homeless sex offenders, Ronald Ellison, 28, and Thomas Gauthier, 27.
If you're wondering what the degrees of sex offense are, here's a handy chart.

More school threats: this time a letter threatening to harm students was sent to C. Milton Wright High School in Harford County.

AAC: Greg Karanzalis, an assistant coach for the Broadneck High School lacrosse team, was caught on tape buying alcohol for several students who got so soused after school that they needed to be hospitalized.

White-Collar Corner
Perps 12 and 13, Stephen Weissenberger of Towson and Ashita Patel of Columbia, were indicted on theft and bribery charges for defrauding our school system.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition has filed a lawsuit against NovaStar Mortgage, accusing them of discrimination for refusing to offer mortgages on rowhouses in downtown Baltimore (among other places).

Mark Kaiser of U.S. Foodservice got seven federal years for an $800-million accounting fraud.

Patrick McDevitt of Timonium is headed to the can for 2 1/2 years after submitting false expense claims to his employer. He bought at least a dozen Rolex watches (and no doubt other tacky crap), but the jig was up after he commited eBay fraud.

Ellicott City art-gallery owner Thomas Hugh Akins, 52, pled guilty to wire fraud for an art-based investment scheme that screwed some more-money-than-brains "affluent acquaintances" out of $1.2 million.


  1. Does anyone else think that Ronald Ellison and Thomas Gauthier look alike?

  2. So the Morgan students thought that getting shot would be less unpleasant than the frat pledging rituals??? Hazing incidents have been fatal, but still. Why I am not surprised that they didn't even have the min. GPA? And what was their friend thinking? We don't need morons manufacturing bogus crimes for the police to respond to; we have enough crimes as is. They should be expelled and deported back to Jersey.

  3. Actually those are pictures of just one of the sex offenders, which explains why both pix look alike. There's an image of the other homeless sex offender at the bottom of WBAL's web page (click first link above).
