Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A not-yet-ID'd man was shot to death on York Road and Chateau Avenue.

Deander Salmond, 19, died after being shot in the Southwestern Tuesday night.

The jury has sentenced John Gaumer to life in prison.

Inventor Paul Biermann at Hopkins' Applied Physics Laboratory in HoCo is trying to invent shank-proof prison toiletries.

(Alleged) perv of the day: Patrick McIntyre, a seventh-grade science teacher at Immaculate Conception School, removed from his job following allegations that he sexually abused a male student in the late 1970s.

Media Corner:
Staffers rallied on Calvert Street today to "Save our Sun!"
Quoted copy editor: "We’re working hard to bring readers the best news we can ... But the more they drain our staff of talent, the less of a good job we’ll be able to do.”
The Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild today began attempts to negotiate a new contract with management, and has also hired a PR firm to "represent its viewpoint to the media."


  1. Thank you, Bobby Curran, for being the one to finally say it:

    We are in a state of crime emergency.

  2. too bad he only said it so he can get the cameo lounge closed. i mean, yeah, there's some crime there, but there's LOTS of places with MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE crime.

  3. Agreed, but the nice thing about declaring an emergency is that it's kinda global by its nature.

    I declare Baltimore to be a piece of sh!t... for decades.

  4. I know I shouldn't joke about this, but I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that Patrick McIntyre worked at the Immaculate Conception School.

  5. so why is this curfew idea so controversial? they did the same thing last year in DC during a huge spike in crime in july (i think) and look at them now: they're on pace to have the lowest number of murders in over twenty years for the second year in a row!

  6. Remember that often in Baltimore, civil rights = allow minority criminals to continue committing crimes.

    Consider the parole bill introduced by the legislative black caucus in the House of Delegates which, thankfully, the Governor is refusing to sign. It's purpose is to decriminalize drug criminality.

    I think ACLU's main objection will be who decides which places get curfew (and which population becomes subject to it).

  7. If its a neighborhood highly concentrated with crime (which can be verified through the city's records), what precisely is the problem - especially in light of the fact that Hammbone and Sheila Ditzson (Yes, intentionally misspelled) so obviously has no intention of hiring more cops to equally monitor every neighborhood?

    How many people have to die in this city before crime is considered a bad thing thats not getting any better here?
