Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May 1 Afternoon

A woman's body was found amidst the trash outside a vacant house in the 2900 block of Ellicott Drive. June 17 of last year, a 28-year-old African-American man, identified by police as Blackburn John, was found lying facedown in the 2800 block of the same street.

A group of University of Maryland law students are working to bring positive change to Cherry Hill, a city neighborhood that contains the largest concentration of public housing this side of Chicago. (The article actually says "west of Chicago," but I'm assuming nobody moved Cherry Hill to the other side of the Ol' Mississip while we weren't looking.) The article's claim that no murders occurred in Cherry Hill since December 2006 was destroyed on April 19, when Christopher Wayman was shot to death on Seabury Rd.

Shanda Harris' reckless endangerment trial has been postponed at the request of the defense. Harris allegedly knew that her babysitter, Melvin Lorenzo Jones Jr., was a registered sex offender when she allowed Jones to babysit her 11-year-old son Irvin. Irvin was stabbed to death last summer, and Jones was arrested and charged with the killing.

Bobby Collins of Brooklyn, NY, allegedly called Baltimore 911 more than 250 times within one month.

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