Monday, May 14, 2007

May 14

An unidentified man was shot and killed in the 2500 block of Garrett Ave. in East Baltimore Midway early this morning, the second murder in that neighborhood within 48 hours. The same article reports that Gerald Lamont Wilson was identified as the man who was killed on N. Chester St. on Friday night, and the death of Todd Little has been officially added to the year's murder count.

Five children and two adults were injured in a PG County drive-by on Saturday afternoon. An abandoned car and high-powered rifle that police believe were used in the attack have been found.

A man was asked the time and robbed at knifepoint in the Western.

Convicted murderer Charles Eugene Burns is now facing a trial for assaulting six Harford County prostitutes.

Justin Hannah was indicted for his role in a drive-by shooting that targeted his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend and an 18-year-old man.

Shooting victim and former Blood Darren Williams is trying to help the city with the Precision Youth Power Program.


  1. just reposting my comment from the previous entry, since nobody read it there:

    yay, they fixed the dallas street address. too bad they fucked up their murder number by counting that guy twice. even fox 45's website has 106 (aka the "correct" number).

    also, i know they really want to show how relevant their barclay/midway expose last week is, but that doesn't mean you can reach out into other neighborhoods to claim murder victims for midway. according to the city department of planning, 25th street is the border between midway and CHuM.

  2. i learned that from someone who lives there. apparently that's really what a lot of people call it.

  3. Yes, we do.

    It stands for Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello.

  4. yeah i know.

    hey, since that neighborhood is obviously an arbitrarily thrown together agglomeration of older, smaller neighborhoods, can you tell me which parts are which? my guesses are that west of kirk ave is coldstream, since coldstream park elementary is over there, and the little area east of the alameda is montebello, since it's the closest to its namesake lake, and then i guess the remaineder is homestead. is that right?

  5. Actually, there's nothing arbitrary about it.

    In the 18th century and until the mid-nineteenth, the area consisted exclusively of the estates of Baltimore's wealthy. (how things do change) Abbotston, whose owner had a foundry, became the campus of City College. Gorsuch's Homestead estate, of several hundred acres, spanned the distance from Greenmount to Harford road and included all of Gorsuch Ave. The vast Garrett estate, assembled by the investment banker and President of the B & O Railroad John Garrett, was known as Montebello and was probably the last really large estate in Baltimore into the twentieth century.

    Coldstream was the domain of the Patterson family, after whom Patterson Park is named as it was given to the City. Revolutionary arms importer Wm. Patterson was an incorporator of the B & O Railroad as well as the Canton Co. The Coldstream property remain in Patterson hands up to the 20th century. Coldstream makes up the bulk of the present CHM neighborhood, most of the housing stock of which was only erected about seventy-five years ago.

  6. i love these history lessons. my girlfriend gave me a book a few months ago about the origins of street names in baltimore city, and it's pretty cool but definitely lacks depth. got any recommended reading for me, galt?

  7. It's kinda a local thing. Verbal histories, mostly. Any neighborhood in particular?

  8. not really, i'm interested in all of it.
