Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 15

What the?! Says the Examiner, the city police "logged more than 1.5 million hours of overtime in 2006, spending nearly $37 million in the process, after budgeting $7 million."
Councilman Ken Harris: "Based on the crime statistics, I do not think the return matched the investment."

The victim found shot to death May 2 [#98] in a vacant house in the 2200 block of Barclay St. was ID'd as 18-year-old Derius Harmon, 18, of Randallstown.

John Gaumer's family begged for his life yesterday.

Murder, attempted murder and robbery arrests and stolen Red Bull in the Dick Irwin special.

Homicide detectives are catching flak for playing golf.

New BS PR poll: Baltimore's in 15th place for road rage. (Or 15th in answering BS poll questions from strangers on the phone.)

Dept. of "Why Bother?": A week after a reader passed the story along, WBAL-tv reports that Ridgely's Delight resident Rekha Thomas was shot through her front door during an attempted home invasion.

The UMMC wudhu-lawsuit story just won't go away. Now Dr. Mohammed Hussain has filed criminal charges against the security guard who "allegedly manhandled and humiliated him before his scheduled surgery."

In the Post's MD briefing: two PGC men, Sean A. Simpson, 24, of Suitland, and Norberto Quinones, 24, of Upper Marlboro were sentenced to (federal) life in prison. Simpson was convicted of two carjackings, a murder and a nonfatal shooting; Quinones of possession with intent to distribute cocaine base and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime.

Univision theorizes that missing mom Deysi M. Benitez left Frederick with a friend.

The Gov. is considering an increase in the state's gasoline tax. Political genius, this guy.


  1. I don't get the outrage over the homicide detectives playing golf. As far as I could tell from the article they were doing it on their own time, so it sounds like a non-issue.

    Also, I saw this really dumb comment on the Examiner's article about John Gaumer:

    "I don't think he intended to kill her. I think it was rage of the argument.He needs in a mental hospital and drug abuse center..long term...he can be rehabilitated."

    Possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

  2. I'm a University of Maryland student and I have to say: I read about the shooting of the pharmacy student on this blog first. The school (or at least my school) did not send out any information or warnings about it until 2 days after I saw it on here.

  3. And speaking of crime, isn't the City of Baltimore (through its shill, the BDC) the biggest thief you've ever seen ??

    First they told this man he'd better sell to them or the'd shut down all the business around him, then they reneged on paying for anything, then after threatening to steal the Weinberg Foundation's property they reached a deal to swap the Weinberg's property for ... this guy's property that they have no right to. And then they claim it's justified because "it's in the public interest."

    No, it isn't. If you want to wheel and deal, then go buy property with your own money. Don't try to use the City Charter to play Donald Trump.

    The Court has already ruled that these BDC thieves are abusing the city's eminent domain authority, but they're gonna keep doing it until the voters throw these charlatans out of the Mayor's office. Hopefully via the nearest window.

  4. Further proof that eminent domain is evil. Maybe the general assembly should try to protect private property owners instead of spending their time giving driver's licenses and in-state tuition to illegals.

  5. the sun's new article on the weekend murders fixed the two things i was bitching about yesterday. do you think anyone there reads this blog (and its comments)?

  6. Probably the only respect in which Baltimore is ahead of schedule.

  7. Why yes, burg, just check the stats and we've had 6 trib hits in the past half-hour, though who it is and if they read comments is anyone's guess...

  8. the typical talk radio "outrage" at homicide detectives participating in a charity golf tournament on their own time is complete local news populist BS.

    "I was at the royal farms this morning and I saw a homicide detective buying milk and eggs. OUTRAGOUS!!!! Shouldn't he/she be working 168 hours a week!"

  9. This has nothing to do with Baltimore or crime, but Jerry Falwell just died. Yay!

  10. Baltimore to Homicide:
    You should work all the time and never enjoy yourself, but please don't charge overti--hey, people are lying on their resumes!

  11. I want a job where I can earn over $150,000 a year without a college degree. If you can earn in the low six figures as a city cop, how on earth do they have recruitment and retention problems?

  12. Hi, my name is Emil Arvidsson and i am a swedish journalist. Great blog. I would like to get in touch with The Cybrarian for an article i'm working on. Please drop me a line at emil@bomben.se


  13. Yet another stabbing down in Jessup, the victim was flown to Shock Trauma.
