Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24

Update: one of Tuesday's shooting victims has died.
An account of the Mt. Royal mowdown from "anonymous," promoted from comments:
At some point before on tuesday night before midnight (i think it was around 11:20, but I wasn’t paying attention to the time too closely), 30 to 50 shots rang out at the corner guilford and mt. royal, in front of the rehabbed firehouse, over the course of about fifteen seconds.

Two uninjured assailants fled on foot across the guilford bridge, turned right at Oliver, dumped a handgun in the back of a truck under the copycat building and continued to flee eastward. Multiple witnesses in the copycat building saw this. (a police car with flashing lights was under the JFX, parked, investigating the scene of a motorcycle fatality from the night prior, between 100 and 200 feet from the scene of the shooting).

Police, fire trucks, and paramedics responded to the scene of the shooting approximately 5 to 10 minutes later. While cordoning off the crime scene tending to the wounded, one shot in the head and the other (i think) shot in the back, police received a call from the attendant at the BP station, of two more victims at the corner of St Paul and Mt Royal. It seems, although I’m not sure, that these two victims fled scene of the shooting, and went to the BP station for help).

All told, there were 4 shooting victims. At this point, all were alive. Victims were taken to Maryland Shock Trauma. One victim, shot in the head, has since died.

Police expanded the perimeter of the investigation to include the scene of the shooting, the BP station, the guilford street bridge, under the copycat building and Oliver Street. Police helicopters scoped the area around the copycat for approx. an hour. Police detectives stayed in the area for approx. 2 hours scanning for evidence.

As of now, the police have in their possession the handgun dumped in the back of the truck (whether they have more guns: I don’t know). They do not have the assailants, although they have "promising leads,” which to me sounds like they know who they are. Now it is a matter of catching them and making the case stick.

Psycho stalker Larry Davis got life for trying to blow up his ex-girlfriend's car. And in AAC, Aubrey Mayhew of Churchton has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for strangling his estranged wife with a telephone cord.

Upon his fourth conviction, Naim Dawson, 31, got 17 1/2 federal years for guns-n-drugs.

A federal grand jury has charged Tricia Yoo Matuszak and Min Jae "Mindy" Song of Los Angeles and Yong-Mi Chang of Seoul, South Korea for conspiring to submit false labor certifications and immigration petitions on behalf of aliens applying for visas.

Joseph Monroe Green, Jr., the former manager of a Lutherville branch of Chevy Chase Bank, got 21 months and must pay restitution for stealing from the vault.
Oh no! The editor of the Examiner, Frank J. Keegan, was "arrested last night and charged with pointing a shotgun at his neighbor's family during a dispute over cigarette smoking."

CSA: Prosecutors can use evidence of gang affiliation and expert testimony about gang life to demonstrate a motive.

Now that's odd: the Sun has six paragraphs on a crack-dealing arrest near Dru Hill.

Olesker: "There’s a level of violence in parts of Baltimore that far exceeds anything ... acceptable in a civilized world."

Court of Appeals: one expert's testimony on "sick building syndome" not enough to establish validity.

The tall ship Clipper City, known for pirate-themed sails, sailing brunches and reggae-themed boat parties, was seized by U.S. Marshalls to help settle the company's $1.3 million debt; a hearing in Bankruptcy Court is scheduled for this morning.


  1. Ah, so it was a full blown six man gun battle under my window.

    That’s nice. No wonder I thought I heard 30 to 50 shots. It *was* 30 to 50 shots. And nice of the Sun to finally report on it.

  2. I just exchanged emails with another eye witness who spoke to the police just yesterday. Surprise surprise, the Sun has the story all wrong. The two men who ran across the guilford bridge were not shot, and although the police have promising leads, they have not yet been caught. Still a quadruple shooting, with two uninjured assailants still on the loose.

  3. Yes, a full-blown shootout in the middle of the city, right in front of the train station and next to UB and a block from MICA (forunately classes are over for the semester, or students would have been everywhere), it was surely a local record number of victims for one incident, certainly the largest number I've heard of. WBAL did have the story, but the Sun runs six paltry paragraphs about it a day later.

    Why? Apathy, sure, but also because the Sun and the reporters at WBAL are the only entities in town that actually collect their own news. If Irwin had the day off, and he seems to be the only guy there who phones the police routinely, and BMore's TV stations don't collect news from other TV stations, or listen to police scanners, no one knew about it but WBAL.

    And now it's two days after the fact. Not a word on JZ, or Fox. WMAR has just picked it up since it hit the wire last night.

    Is it apathy, or the natural consequence of relying on Big Media? Or both?

  4. No one except the people who were right there, of course. I hope any eyewitnesses will write in and help us figure out what really happened, since they're the only ones who actually know (besides the shooters/victims, of course).

  5. Okay, here are the facts so far as I can piece together (I’m the anonymous guy who has written most of the anonymous comments over the past two days):

    At some point before on tuesday night before midnight (i think it was around 11:20, but I wasn’t paying attention to the time too closely), 30 to 50 shots rang out at the corner guilford and mt. royal, in front of the rehabbed firehouse, over the course of about fifteen seconds.

    Two uninjured assailants fled on foot across the guilford bridge, turned right at Oliver, dumped a handgun in the back of a truck under the copycat building and continued to flee eastward. Multiple witnesses in the copycat building saw this. (a police car with flashing lights was under the JFX, parked, investigating the scene of a motorcycle fatality from the night prior, between 100 and 200 feet from the scene of the shooting).

    Police, fire trucks, and paramedics responded to the scene of the shooting approximately 5 to 10 minutes later. While cordoning off the crime scene tending to the wounded, one shot in the head and the other (i think) shot in the back, police received a call from the attendant at the BP station, of two more victims at the corner of St Paul and Mt Royal. It seems, although I’m not sure, that these two victims fled scene of the shooting, and went to the BP station for help).

    All told, there were 4 shooting victims. At this point, all were alive. Victims were taken to Maryland Shock Trauma. One victim, shot in the head, has since died.

    Police expanded the perimeter of the investigation to include the scene of the shooting, the BP station, the guilford street bridge, under the copycat building and Oliver Street. Police helicopters scoped the area around the copycat for approx. an hour. Police detectives stayed in the area for approx. 2 hours scanning for evidence.

    As of now, the police have in their possession the handgun dumped in the back of the truck (whether they have more guns: I don’t know). They do not have the assailants, although they have “promising leads,” which to me sounds like they know who they are. Now it is a matter of catching them and making the case stick.

    On a more promising note, surprisingly, the residents of my building decided to have a cookout and impromptu block party in front of our building late into the night last night 50 feet from the scene of the crime. Take back the night and all that shit. We’re Baltimoreans, I guess, we don’t scare that easy. I shouldn’t say “we,” though. Fuck that shit. I stayed inside.

  6. Wow, a gun battle within a few blocks of Penn Station? I bet that'll make it harder for them to sell all those $400,000 dollar condos that they're trying to market to DC commuters.

  7. correction to above (from same anonymous):

    One victim, from the initial crime scene, shot in the torso, was taken to Johns Hopkins. The three others were taken to Maryland Shock Trauma

  8. 'Look at what you're doing to my daughter.'"


    If your child has a lung problem, it probably has more to do with recieving passive agressive bitch man genes from you, sir.

  9. i was gonna make a snarky comment about that dude too but you beat me to it.

    what kind of sanctimonious prick CALLS AN AMBULANCE and makes a big show of how sick his poor daughter is just because he doesn't like it when his neighbor smokes on their own property? jesus, if your kid's lungs are that sensitive you probably shouldn't be living in a big city, dipshit.

  10. i would probably point a gun at that guy too, if i had one! (just kidding)

  11. Careful what you say. Under Maryland (talk about dipshit) law, that constitutes an assault.

  12. but the internet isn't located in maryland!

  13. Actually, I don't think it would constitute an assault. First, you state "if I had one," indicating that you do not, in fact, have a gun, and thus cannot point it at someone. Secondly, you clearly stated "just kidding."

    Sorry, just bored at work...

  14. "The outrage from all of us is not loud enough."

    - Mayor Sheila Dixon

    Hey, Sheila, you want I should yell or something ??? I'm f#@king outraged, already.

  15. Dixon's new plan to deal with the violence which has bloodied the streets is to... implement the old plan some more. Great.

    At least Lenny Hamm is now acknowledging that he's unable to do much because... he's got no cops. And just whose fault would that be after all this time, Sir ???

    Note to readers: The BCPD has not once achieved the authorized level of police manpower since the appointment of Leonard Hamm as acting Police Commissioner. I'm just sayin'...

  16. Jesis, please people, if your child is having trouble breathing put them in the car and drive them to the fucking hospital! !

  17. You know, we don't have a police response-time problem on the North side, we have a media response-time problem.

    Where's Heywood jablow?

  18. wow if that constitutes assualt, then why is it that a neighbor can threaten my life, and the life of my daughter, telling us he hopes he sees us walking across the street so he can run us down and kill us? the police flat out refused to even confront him, saying that's it's perfectly legal to threaten someone's life, as long as they don't act on i guess i will have to wait until he actually kills me to have the police act?

  19. No, non, a verbal threat is actionable as an assault. It has to be sorta credible, so when your best friend says "I oughtta....", that will not be construed as a verbal assault. Also, as indicated, if the facts suggest that the implementation is in fact not possible, that would also speak to credibility.

    But if someone says "Hey, you call the cops when I'm dealing and I'll fill your kids full of lead, ..." yes, that's an assault.

    Of course, this is also he magical jurisdiction of Baltimore, where life sentences get commuted to time served afer many years by judges with no apparent justification. Because I said so.

  20. Shooting at Mosher & McCulloh by a church on the West Side.

    Hey, if murder is up 10% and shootings are up 37%, yet they say violence is down overall, then purported reductions could only be in robbery and agg assault, assuming as usual that rapes, which are rare, are pretty stable.

    I suspect that purported drops in robbery and agg assault are really nonreported crime. I see no reason to report until they get enough manpower to be able to respond to reports. It's just a waste of our time.

  21. Update: one dead on McCulloh, one down.

  22. There was an episode of Frontline on PBS a few weeks ago called "When Kids Get Life." They were obviously trying to send a message against juvenille offenders getting life w/o parole, but when I watched it all I could do was smile and think that it's nice to see that some parts of the country know how to punish criminals.

  23. I emailed the UB Dept. of Public Safety about the shooting on Mt. Royal. The Chief responded indicating he knew of the incident and is working with PCPD on matters of "mutual concern." He also wrote that Mt. Royal and Guilford is out of his jurisdiction. Since the shooting happened outside of the Universities boundaries they don't have to report it.

  24. "In Baltimore, in certain neighborhoods, assault and robbery are considered foreplay."

    Sorry, but I had to laugh when I read that from Olesker. Is that wrong?
