Sunday, May 27, 2007

May 27

Sandtown's St. Gregory the Great collected 15 guns yesterday, several hours after an unidentified man was shot to death around the corner in the 1600 block of Vincent Ct.

14-year-old Keonya Christian-Cannon earns good grades, rarely misses school, has dozens of friends, and spent more than a month in the hospital recovering from a wound caused by a stray bullet.

The body of PG/Bangladeshi real estate agent Samuel D'Costa was found in the basement of his Bowie home, and his burned car was found a few miles away.

MoCo: the CSA recently overturned the conviction of a Rockville defense attorney Patrick J. Smith, found guilty of impersonating a Montgomery County sergeant to intimidate a state witness.


  1. Once again, the Baltimore Sun is attempting to select the next mayor. Why did an article about a church buying back 15 guns turn into a promotion of Sheila Dixon's plan? She was council president for 8 years, on the council for 20. She knew she would likely become mayor, yet she is given credit by the Sun for giving lip service to a plan. This is ridiculous. With 122 murders under her watch, she should be removed, not promoted. She is a clueless, no action, inarticulate, incompetent, politician. Yet, every day the Sun sings her praises because the money establishment in baltimore wants to keep her since she will make no waives for them. I am sick and tired of the Dixon's, O'Malley's, Rawlings-Blake's, and Mitchell's. Any politician the Sun promotes will never truly serve the people of Baltimore. 122 murders, Baltimore Sun, under her watch! And she's actually done Nothing! Nothing! Saying she has a plan, she might as well say she has a dream, or perhaps, tell us to Believe.
    and during the mayhem in Baltimore that produced the last 12 murders, Dixon was flaunting her 54 year old bikini clad body around a Las Vegas swimming pool. Can someone say, stuuuupid ho?

  2. This time last year we had 105 murders, now we have 122. That's a 16.2% INCREASE.

    What damn plan does our lady mayor have?

    Maybe it's to increase the staff at the city morgue.

  3. No, that would resolve the backlog of cases of undetermined manner of death, which disproportionately resolve into homicide. Ergo, the murder rate would increase. So keep the CME's office understaffed.

    Hey, she could commission another new slogan, like maybe:

    Come back to Baltimore. Hey, it's only blood.

  4. When WBAL asked shooting victim Casey Beauchamp (a white girl shot on Chesley Ave. in Hamilton) if she took any comfort in the reports of the Mayor's new patrol deployment, she answered 'What police? I don't see any.'

    It's o.k., hon, no one else has any idea what Sheila Dixon's imagining eiher.

    Anyone remember an 80's Cheap Trick album title Dream Police? It could be her campaign slogan.

  5. To follow up on the discussion of police manpower requirements:

    NYC has about 38,000 adult probation (as opposed to parole) cases, or about 30% of the state total.

    These range from a low of .24% of population in Staten Island to a high of 1% in the Bronx.

    About 25% are misdemeanor and 10% are rearrested.

    Baltimore has around 30,000 active supervised adult probation cases of all types (but excluding parole), which is about 60% of the state total of criminal probations.

    This is a little under 5% of our total population. The felony:misdemeanor ratio by caseload in Baltimore City Circuit Court is about 7:1. About one in four cases is disposed of in violation of probation. Rearrests for unrelated charges are not enumerated, but anecdotally appear to be quite typical.

    Bottom line: our people are not as good/nice/law-abiding as those in New York. Hence, we need a lot more babysitters.

  6. great, now everybody's quoting 122 as the magic number of homicides we have right now. i told y'all i didn't like including undetermineds on that list.

  7. Anonymous... I tip my glass to you. Now... Does anyone want to take me up on that 300 murder question?

  8. But Burger, it can take months for a homicide to get "determined" and the ME's office is completely uncooperative.

    Try calling them and ask how many homicides they've determined since the start of the year-- they won't tell you!

    If we waited for death certficates to be filed with social security it would be September!
    We don't really have a choice but to go with the most likely scenario... man shot in the head in the city, probably a murder, could be a suicide, but better to include it than lose it and find out you picked wrong later?

  9. Yeah, body found with bulletholes in head, no gun in sight,...could be a homicide by a shooter who ran off while understaffed police were 30 minutes away,.... OR the vic could have been using his head to pound 9mm shells against a wall and had an unfortunate accident.

