Friday, May 4, 2007

May 4

An unidentified man was fatally shot in the 100 block of S. Mount St, in the Southern neighborhood of Union Square. Richard Irwin and Gus G. Sentementes report that this brings the official toll for 2007 to 95, compared with 88 at this time last year.

Luke Broadwater does a recap of April's murders, including some particularly gruesome details on 16-year-old Brent Flanagan's death.

Devon Richardson got 10 years for murdering 67-year-old Janice Letmate as she walked home from work. Julie Bykowicz' story quotes a partner at the lawfirm where Ms. Letmate worked as saying, "She never said an unkind word about anyone. She never harmed a soul." Apparently, Ms. Letmate was one of those innocent bystanders who our politicians like to say are unaffected by Baltimore's culture of crime.

Police finally found David Robinson, the suspected getaway driver for last month's botched robbery at Fantasies Night Club.

Tivon Wright, Sean Taylor, and Matthew Evans face charges related to last year's jailhouse murder of Anthony Conaway.

A bunch of arrests and burglaries in the Blotter.

It's been a rough week for school kids in the area:

Two Sudbrook Middle School girls tried to blow up their school. The girls have been charged with felony possession of explosive materials, though presumably not for the bottle of water that school officials thought contained material for making a bomb.

A 13-year-old girl was sexually assaulted at her Baltimore County school bus stop by a white man with braces and a faint moustache.

Danielle Talbot, a teacher at William H. Lemmel Middle School in the city, was arrested after allegedly buying methadone on her way to class.

Sex offender Kenneth Barnes has been spotted lurking among snow cone stands in Roland Park. In 1996, Barnes was convicted of raping a 9-year-old girl.

A jackass on a school bus in Rosedale threw something out the bus window that shattered a passing car's windshield, which got glass in the driver's eye.

47-year-old Joseph Ballmann, a former English teacher at Robert Frost Middle School in MoCo, was charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a 15-year-old boy. (I originally had the former teacher's name misspelled. Interestingly, the original post has been removed by WBAL. Their mistake or mine? Not sure. I try to be very careful about spelling on this site, though, so I apologize if the mistake was mine.)

Two of the four sex offense charges against a 17-year-old Fredneck have been moved from adult court to juvenile court. Michael Thomas Smith is charged with sexually assaulting four female classmates last year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I remembered this story from when you first posted about it.....

    That Devon Richardson is going to HELL for what he did.

    He violated big time ..that's why his dumb ass was caught.

    (See.....there are certain crimes that you can always find someone in the hood willing to snitch ....if someone in fact saw anything happen and in no way involved).

    67 years on this Earth to get taken out by a hopeless ass man-child who obviously was never shown any love.

    But that is no damn excuse to kill someone who in no way shape or form could have done anything to hurt you...matter of fact she prolly would have fed him if he would have but asked her.

    He is no doubt one of those little boys that prolly thinks he is so grown...can't even spell Baltimore. I can't stand the type.

    I pray the reporter was biased and that little bastard didn't stand there with a smirk on his face after being handed a gift of a second chance. They say he is slow....well...I pray they follow his ass when he gets out because he will surely kill again. He has the inclination.

    If he is not a hardened criminal and a seargent in the gang now.....he surly will be by the time he comes out.

    10 years....that's very upsetting...I can't even sit here and be happy or argue that he should get less time.....

    Is this justice or an injustice?

    I believe tho ....that he will in the end - GET IT!!!

    I wish there was a way that we can remember his name. I would like to know what becomes of him.

    Sadly...he is going to end up dead waaaay before 67....he prolly wont even make it to 17 or 27 even.

    There are a few crimes that even the hardest of hard criminals hate....murdering someone's grandma (in your own neighborhood is one of them)

    ....I hope Ms. Letmate has a grandson or nephew where ever they send him when he turns 18 ....and they make Devon their girlfriend or something equally disgusting.

    (I dont want him molested....I want him to be old enough to be properly courted)

    I don't think he should ever feel comfortable for the rest of his life.....I think he should feel nervous...anxious...he should know what it feels like to be moments away from death at all times....this could have been my grandmother. That makes me want to cry.

    I dont like to hear about ppl gettin caught up in the system over drugs or nuisance offenses but stuff like this makes my blood really boil.

    May God Bless Ms Letmate's soul and I pray for ours.

  3. yeah, so how exactly was that second-degree murder and not first-degree? hiding in an alley and picking off old ladies with a rifle sounds like premeditation to me.

  4. I believe he, uh, accidentally shot the gun.

  5. Well, here's hoping his face accidentally collides with someone's fist. 96 times.

  6. Shanked in prison asap will be ok by me. Let's take up a collection for the guy willing to do it.

  7. if you liked detroit you'll LUUUV Baltimore!
