Monday, May 21, 2007

Reader Letter

Hi, I live in Canton on the corner of Ellwood and O'donnell. Around 2 in the morning this past Saturday a drunk person in a van hit a pedestrian and then hit 2 or 3 cars and sped off. A lot of police and ambulance came immediately and I couldnt see if the victim was really hurt... because they whisked him away so fast. Do you know anything on this story?
I don't. Any readers know about this?


  1. I live on Elliott just off Conkling. Around the same time on saturday night, I look out my front door and there are about 8 cop cars on conkling street. From what I gathered it was a hit and run, someone had caused one car to crash into the wall of the Hamm's factory on the east side of Conkling.

    As I walked out to investigate, all the police cars suddenly sped away to odonnell towards canton square. I think the accident on conkling occurred before what the original poster was talking about because after I went back into my house my roomate and his friends came home about 20 minutes later. They described a story that they had witnessed similar to the original poster's story.

    In conclusion, I don't have any idea what happened. That's why I came here to see if anyone knew.

  2. I was on the square around 2am last Saturday night. Out of nowhere, a van came flying down O'Donnell, crossed Decker (I believe) and slammed into an SUV. The police were right behind him; they came out, guns drawn, and arrested the driver, who was alone. A lot of people were really upset, as the driver had apparently hit a number of pedestrians before he was caught. As I walked down O'Donnell, you could see that he had hit a number of cars. I don't know what came of the driver, as there was no story in the papers.
