Monday, June 18, 2007

Everyone's Talking Behind Your Back!

All these closed-door meetings!
President Stephanie is having one now with the police at their union hall in Hampden.
Tomorrow, Dixon is having a meeting with police, but not Hamm nor union leadership: "The president of the police union, Paul Blair, said last week that Dixon also wanted to meet with officers at the union, but that he rebuffed her."


  1. Wow!! a murder everyday starting on the 8TH ..... I have a stupid prediction for this years final tally(murders)

    ...Hmmmm!!!! i say around (315).Man, it seems so long ago that my man ALLEN (#50 on Cyb's tally sheet)was
    gunned down.....just to think that nearly 100 more BALTIMORE FOLK have been ERASED is kinda bugged out..

    Mitchell and Sarbanes will get my vote in Sept.. NO DOUBT!!!

  2. Correction ....
    52. Allen Coates, 36, Maceo's Lounge, 1900 block of N. Monroe St.

  3. I would be right in your corner, Supreme - our leadership is abysmal. However, I'm resigned to the fact that until we get new leadership period things won't change here. Sarbanes is a part of a political legacy family as is Mitchell. We have to wonder: do they really want to change anything or do they just have nothing better to do?

  4. I've been crunching the numbers again. Murdr's way up; shootins are through the frickin' roof. Assume that rapes are about the same.

    That means the police dept. is reporting that robbery & aggravated assault (other than by nonfatal shooting) are somewhere around 3,400 vs. 4,800 last year. I don't believe that for a minute.

    I suspect a great number of agg. assaults have been suppressed. I have observed this behavior in the past firsthand.

  5. OBVIOUSLY, the number of aggravated assaults is suppresed in Baltimore, as this fact alone exposes the complete dysfunctionality and incompetence of our Police and Judicial system. Approx. 5,000 agg assaults means that ONE IN ONE HUNDRED BALTIMORE CITIZENS are the victims of a serious crime every year. This is many, many times the rate of any other halfway decent city, and is more on par with other failed, blighted areas like Gary, Indiana, E. St. Louis, IL or Camden, NJ. The corrupt losers in power s*** their pants that the true numbers will get out, as it will send the rest of the clueless "gentrifiers" fleeing back to NYC, Boston, Atlanta, etc...all areas at least 10 to 50 times safer than Baltimore.

  6. Supreme,
    I do not understand your thinking. How do you see Mitchell as any different from Dixon? Did you read some substance in his so-called crime plan that the rest of us missed? When O'Malley was running the city into the ground, Mitchell let him.Now Dixon is, but all Mitchell is doing is seizing opportunity for sound bites. I believe he's counting on willful ignorance of people like you. He certainly will not have my vote. I am less than impressed.

  7. I hate the way Mitchell's been anointed. I don't know anything about the guy other than he's another legacy, but now the Sun's only getting quotes from him about Dixon, like he's already won the election and no one else is running.

  8. I agree, DC. I wouldn't trust anyone who is related to Clarence Mitchell IV. As I recall, C4 paid homeless people in Baltimore City to vote in the '02 governor's race and then whined to the Sun when Ehrlich told him in '03 that his services were no longer needed.

    God, I hope it's not too late for a qualified candidate to enter this race; otherwise, I'm staying home.

  9. Well Anon, my thinking would be the same as yours, i think??? Actually iam thinking long has DIXON been a resident of BALTIMORE
    should be no excuses....MS. MAYOR should have had her pulse on the city
    ever since her days as a CHEERLEADER
    at NORTHWESTERN high school!! My precious vote would be in total DEFAULT for those courageous fools
    willing to run against a MAYOR who
    i once thought of so very highly.Besides, this city needs a
    violent SHAKEDOWN starting from the top
    all the way down to those SNAKES at the BDC....Let the citizens brave enough to live here and trying to stay alive(LOL) be the judge on these
    two solely on character not in name!!
